Do Autistic Children Lack a 'Theory of Mind'?

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Do Autistic Children Lack a 'Theory of Mind'?

Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder. The term 'pervasive' is used because early developmental processes are often so seriously impaired that a child usually requires a special educational setting. This type of disorder is seen in the DSM-VI as the most devastating and perplexing. Autism involves noticeable abnormalities in a child's social adjustment. Problems also occur in many domains of functioning, language, attention, social responsiveness, perception and motor development.

The symptoms of autism are first observed very early in life, usually in infancy. The essential feature of the disorder is the child's lack of ability to respond to others within the first three years of its life. Even at this young age, the child's social deficits are quite noticeable, along with the bizarre responses that these children make to their environment. They lack response and interest in people, and fail to develop normal relationships to the adults that care for them. These traits are reflected in infancy due to their failure to cuddle, lack of eye contact or an aversion to physical affection. These children may also entirely fail to develop language, and any that is acquired is usually abnormal, such as echolalia (the tendency to repeat or echo precisely what they've just heard), echopraxia (to repeat the actions of others) or pronominal reversal (the tendency to use 'I' where 'you' is meant and vice versa) Autistic children also respond very negatively to any changes in their routines or environments.

This severe disorder of childhood is rare, Rivito in 1989 and Fombonne in 1998 discovered that autism only occurs in approximately four in ten thousand children, and that boys out number girls by about three to one. They also found no relation to socio-economic status or race. The prevalence of autism is similar across different countries, income levels and ethnic groups.

The central feature of autism was stated by Leo Kanner in 1943,

"It is the inability to the ordinary way to people and extreme autistic aloneness that, whenever possible, disregards, ignores, shuts out anything that comes to the child from outside."

This striking idea of 'aloneness' can take a variety of forms in areas such as language, behaviour, cognitive development, and social relationships.
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One of the prominent features of children with autism is their poor use and understanding of the spoken language. In 1998, Eisenmajer saw their obvious language delay as the most powerful predictor of their clinical outcome. Most parents of autistic children have reported that their child's development of language was unusual from the beginning. They show no attempts at 'enthusiastic babbling' popular with normal infants. But even when they do begin to vocalise they fail to show the usual pattern of language development. By the age of one, a child can use some simple, one-syllable words, but about ...

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