Experiment Measuring Reaction Times In Relation To Hours of Sleep

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Experiment Measuring Reaction Times In Relation To Hours of Sleep


The following experiment was carried out to further test individual’s reaction and neural activity. The main hypothesis is that there would be a significant difference in performance of both task, the complex task (4 piles) and the simple task (2 piles) in relation to the number of hours of sleep, the second hypothesis is that the participants will be significantly quicker in the simple task (2 piles) than in the complex task (4 piles). Our sample consisted of 21 third year psychology students in Dublin Business school of Arts. The 21 students had to complete two different tasks, a simple task and a complex task. The materials used in this experiment included: 4 deck of cards, a stopwatch, a desk and chair, instruction sheets, recording sheet and pen, 21 pieces of paper, a timer, an experimenter and a bio-feed back room. The design used was a repeated measure, the independent variable was the simple and complex task, and the dependent variable was the reaction time of the participants.

The results of the correlation test of the experiment showed that there was a weak non significant relationship between hours of sleep and the time it took to complete both the simple and the complex task. The result showed that there was no significance between hours of sleep and participants performance in both tasks. A paired samples t-test showed that there was a significant difference in performance time on a simple task and a complex task; participants were much quicker in the simple task than in a complex task. However we must note that the sample in this experiment was very small and could not reflect the correct results of the population.


The introduction will detail some of the vast published papers on reaction time and neural circuitry. It would also focus on discrimination time and factors that influence discrimination.

We take many everyday actions for granted, from blinking our eyes to picking up a pencil to driving a car. Most actions, except for the simplest reflexes, involve a large amount of brain activity: receiving and processing sensory information, integrating and interpreting that information, and controlling of muscle activity to produce movements in response to the information.

Reaction time is the amount of time required for the nervous system to receive and integrate incoming sensory information and then cause the body to respond.

Neurons communicate by means of synapses, through this synapses information is transmitted from one neuron to the next, synapses have three principal component: The presynaptic zone also called a synaptic button, a specialized postsynaptic membrane in the surface of the cell body and a synaptic cleft which measures about 20 to 40 nm. The presynaptic terminal contains synaptic vesicles, these vesicles contain chemical substances called neurotransmitters that can be released in the synaptic cleft and this release is triggered by electrical activity in the axon. The neurotransmitters flow across the cleft and produces electrical changes in the postsynaptic membrane. The electrical changes in the post synaptic membrane determine whether the postsynaptic membrane will be excited or inhibited (Rosenzweig et; al, 2002, p31-32)

Communication between neurons requires a minimum of 0.5 millisecond for signal to cross a synapse and cause some change in the activity of a postsynaptic neuron (Guyton, 1991, p. 493). Since the postsynaptic neuron is also receiving information from other neurons it will take even longer to process all of the signals. This processing of the various signals is called integration. The signals from one neuron will influence the activity in the second neuron in one of two ways: (1) excitation, causing a new signal to be formed and passed on to other neurons, or (2) inhibition, preventing the formation of a new signal to be passed on to other neurons. Because a neuron is receiving a multitude of inputs from many other neurons, it will integrate all the inhibitory and excitatory information and the resultant action will be the sum of all the incoming information. (Carlson, 2002, p57-58)

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Integration and summation of both the excitatory and inhibitory neurons have to come together for the end process required for body movement to occur.

The time required for a simple reflex to occur is an example of a reaction time. A simple reflex is monosynaptic; it involves only two neurons and one synapse, this reflex is more commonly observed as the knee-jerk reflex which occurs when the tendon just below the kneecap is tapped. This stimulus in turn causes the muscle to contract, moving the leg. The reflex does not require any brain activity, as the circuitry is contained within the ...

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