Factors affecting aggression on a sporting performance.

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Factors affecting aggression on a sporting performance.


"The initiation of an attack with the intent to injure" (Bredemeier, 1983)

"A sequence of behavior in which the goal is to injure another person" (Dollard et al, 1939)

"A behavior directed against a living target, in which there is a probability greater than zero of imparting a noxious stimulus" (Kaufman, 1970)

"Any form of behavior directed toward the goal of harming or injuring another being who is motivated to avoid such treatment" (Baron, 1977) 

The 3 common points of the above definitions:

1) For an overt behavior it must be directed against a living target i.e. an opponent thus excluding hitting the desk with a fist.

2) For an act to be aggressive it must be to intend to harm the target, thus excluding unintended injury upon another human being.

3) There must a reasonable expectation that the aggression will be successful and the target harmed. Thus excluding behavior where the victim will be harmed. i.e. aggressor and victim separated by bars or team-mates.

Types of aggression (Baron 1977).

1) Hostile Aggression: 

Goal - injure the other human being

Intent - make them suffer

Reinforcement - pain and suffering caused

This type of aggression is always accompanied by an angry aggressor.

E.g. Baseball pitcher --- high inside fast ball at batter who had angered him clearly attempting to injure the batter- goal is to cause suffering, result of contest irrelevant therefore goal is to harm and not to win.

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2) Instrumental Aggression:

Goal - to receive some other external goal.

Intent - to harm the opponent

Reinforcement - the external reward

e.g. Baseball pitcher --- high inside fast ball to establish superiority at the plate - pitcher not necessarily angry at batter but sees hitting the batter as instrumental in obtaining his primary goal (winning).

3) Assertiveness

(Often confused with aggression) involves legitimate, physical, or verbal force to achieve one goal. There is no intent to harm therefore it is not aggression.

Distinguishing between aggressive acts in sport that are acceptable with those that are unacceptable is based ...

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