Introduction to Research. The Scientific Method. We will also discuss and compare qualitative and quantitative data and the process of scientific construction and testing.

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Introduction to Research

Psych 540

October 29, 2012

Dr. Patrick Smith


Psychology is more than the mind and how people behave, but it also entails scientific approaches to help researchers and scientists better understand the concepts it covers.  It is important that a person has a full understanding of what the scientific method is and how it can be applied to psychology.  In the paper we will also discuss and compare qualitative and quantitative data and the process of scientific construction and testing.

Introduction to Research

“Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior” ("American psychological association," 2011).  Psychology has been around for many years, dating back to 1879, but there is no certainty of the exact date.  There are many theories that have been developed and passed along throughout the years of study.  Some of these theories; however, have been revised by other psychology researchers to help adapt with the changing times or the theory was valid but not now.  Psychology does have science aspects and has adopted science aspects to help answer the problems that are presented to professionals.

  Science of Psychology

        To help attempt to improve people’s lives psychologist s gain understanding and insights by developing theories and conducting research (psychological) to answer their questions they have created about behavior (Shaughnessy, Zechmeister, & Zechmeister, 2009).  Not only does psychologists but also the fields of psychology rely on thorough research design and methods to answer their questions (2009).  Psychological science is distinct to human activity that affects humans on numerous levels (2009).  

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        Science occurs in three circumstances: social-cultural, historical, and moral (Shaughnessy, Zechmeister, & Zechmeister, 2009).  The activities of humans are manipulated according to the situation (2009).  Social and cultural context effects the choice of topics, society’s acceptance of the findings, and locations in which the research occurs (2009).

The historical context is an empirical approach that gets answers from direct observation and experimentation (2009).  In research the moral context requires researchers to uphold a very high standard of ethical behavior because it could hinder the scientific integrity (2009).

Scientific Method

        The scientific method is an abstract process to help gain knowledge ...

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