Is Schizophrenia inherited?

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Portfolio Presentation    Student No : 01156365  Unit: PSYC3028

Psychological Disorders

Is Schizophrenia inherited?

For this portfolio presentation I have chosen to look at the mental illness ‘Schizophrenia’.  My presentation in particular will concentrate on the nature/nurture debate.   Whether Schizophrenia is caused by hereditary causes, or by environmental causes.  Schizophrenia still remains a partically comprehended illness, with no one single cause (Website 1).  I have read a great deal of literature from academics which will be discussed later, but I wanted to do my own field research, and discover first hand what the public thought of schizophrenia, whether they thought it was hereditary or environmentally caused.  So I completed a questionnaire, I was able to gain 38 respondents to the questionnaire, of the public’s awareness and thoughts of Schizophrenia.   I felt this would help me to actually see what the public thoughts and ideas were, other than the academics ideas.  I actually got a sense of what people that live day to day life have experienced when it comes to Schizophrenia, and actually how much they know about the illness.  Details obtained from this questionnaire will be discussed later on.  

Schizophrenia is a common psychotic disorder.  It is truly puzzling.  At times, people with Schizophrenia communicate clearly, have accurate views of reality, and function well in every day life.  But at other times their speech and thinking and slurred and garbled, they kind of lose touch with reality, and are not able to care for themselves in the most basic of ways.

The APA manual’s definition of Schizophrenia, as quoted from Salinger (1973) (cited in Website 1) in Schizophrenia: Behavioural aspects, regards the disorder as affecting thinking, mood, and behaviour.  Concept formation is disturbed potentially leading to hallucinations and delusions, the mood often becomes emotionally inappropriate and apathetic, and the behaviour may grow to be reclusive and bizarre.  

90% of people with Schizophrenia seek treatment in a mental health facility or general medicine facility in any given year (Narrow et al 1993) (cited in Nolen-Hoeksema 2004).

In the USA 1 to 2 % of the population will develop Schizophrenia at sometime in their lives, there are currently 2 million Americans with Schizophrenia, we needs to look at this from two perspectives, are Americans hereditarily getting Schizophrenia or are Americans getting Schizophrenia from their environment?  Is it the stress of life etc, the knowledge of the disease that makes people believe that they have the disorder through their own symptoms? Or is their no way of changing ones destination, and that if it is hereditary one cannot change their destiny.

The argument about whether mental illness is caused by nature or nurture is one that has raged for years, with consequent splits between those who believe counselling and therapy rather than drugs or operations are the solution.

Scientists recognise that Schizophrenia is linked to biological, environmental and genetics factors, the question is how much of each? (Website 5).  It is a complex nature/nurture interaction (Website 7).

From my own research I found that from a list of mental illnesses listed that all but one respondent recognised Schizophrenia as being a mental illness, and also Schizophrenia as more biologically than environmentally caused.  With most respondents choosing a 80/20% ratio with genetics in favour.  

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So from reading academic material, I found that with regard to the nature/nurture debate, and there was always a difference of opinion and reasons why how much Schizophrenia is influenced by genetics and/or the environment.  Academics generally agreed that there was a mixture of both environment and genetics when it comes to the causation of the disease, but how much of each was the difference in opinion.  For example, Oades (1982) found that we need to better understand Schizophrenia by looking at the brain and systems within the brain that maybe involved.  

The one thing shared by biological and ...

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