Is Sustainable development compatible with human welfare?

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Libuse Weinerova

Fall 2009 - Seminar 1

Is Sustainable development compatible with human welfare?

The problem solving relates to sustainable development. I would like to define sustainable development at the start. Our common future is to: „development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.“On this question, there are basically two answers yes and no.

Professor of management Dinah M. Payne and professor of accounting Cecily A. Raiborn responded positively. They answer that: „environmental respodsibility and sustainable develipment are essential parts of modern bussiness ethics and that only through them can both bussiness and humans thrive.“ They put 4 questions: the future currenrly be ascertained, economically viable, socially just, social equity and environmentally appropriate. The questions gave different answers. He also worked on sustainable development as an ethical issue. It gave an interesting answer: „sustainable development would create the greatest good or least harm by allowing those inhabitants to exist in a world where the air is breathable, the water is drinkable, the soil is fertile, and renewable resources thrive.“ They be taken also on level of sustainable development effirts for businesses. From the standpoint of businesses, it is important to ascertain which sustainable development issues can and cannot be addressed. Businesses can for example influence pasage of laws through lobbying and other efforts, help reduce or eliminate pollution causes. They said: „one possible technique would be the use of the hierarchy of ethical behavior suggested. Hierarchy consists of four degrees of achevemnt bacic, currently attinable, practical, theoretical.“

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Negative response gave a to environmental journalist Ronald Bailey. He says: „suistainable development resuts in economic stagnation and threatens both the environment and the world´s poor. In his article adds interesting information for example: „For radical greens, sustainable development mean s economic stagnation. The greens are right about one thing: the extent of global poverty is stark.“ It greatly too slew issue of poverty. Also in this issue provides very interesting information for example: „poverty eradication is clerly crucial to preventing environmental degradation, too, since there is nothing more environmentally destructive than a hungry human.“

Interesting look at our question has ...

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