Native Americans

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Native Americans of the Plains

The Plains Indians were nomadic hunters of buffalo. This meant that they had to follow the buffalos herd when the animals moved from place to place, looking for fresh grass to eat. This constant movement required that they be able to unpack and move to another location quickly. They needed a shelter that was portable, could last a long time and was water resistant. In fact a tipi could last up to ten years so it was the perfect mobile home. Made of brain tanned buffalo skin (mentioned later on), the tipi was easily disassembled. There was an opening to let out the smoke from the fire which was left to burn all day. If it rained or was particularly cold, the opening could be adjusted to suit the occupiers. Every time the Native Americans migrated they would take their things and carry them on foot or put them on a travois. A travois was a sort of cart without wheels that the horses would pull. The tipi's structure consisted of lodge pole pines (14 to be exact) placed and secured into a cone shape. The fire was in the centre of the tipi. Beds were put along the sides and other household belongings were hung up; for instance baby carriers, arrows, coats and other clothes. Usually there were about three or four families crammed into the tipi and there was only one room to play, eat and sleep so it did tend to get filthy quite easily.
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The buffalo were the main source of food for the Native Americans of the Plains. The people didn't just eat the meat, but also the tongue and many other organs as well. The blood was used in soup and puddings. The meat was eaten fresh from the hunt or preserved. Fresh meat was often cooked in a stew. Meat that could not be eaten right away was made into jerky or pemmican. Jerky was a sort Meat cut into strips and dried in the sun by hanging on a line.

There had used to be millions of ...

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