Sliding Filament theory Myosin and actin overlapping nature On the filament are special sites to which myosin attach

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Sliding Filament theory

  • Myosin and actin overlapping nature
  • On the filament are special sites to which myosin attach
  • At rest, this prevented by 2 other protein Toponin and tropomyosin
  • When muscles are active, calcium Ions are released which expose the myosin to active sites
  • Myosin joins the Actin “ Cross-bridging’ Myosin must be “Activated” by energy from respiration
  • Myosin heard rocks and pulls actin over it. almost straight away they realise and attach site i.e. the muscle shortens, hence contraction
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1000’s of filaments do this, what problems might arise if it doesn’t occur properly?

Slippage will occur

Transmission of neural impulse

  • Involves electrical signal
  • At rest the neurone is positive outside and negative inside. This is resting potential
  • When a neurone receives instructions from the central nerves system, sodium ion enter the neurone causing the inside tab come and outside
  • This is called action potential
  • As less sodium enters the neurone and potassium Ions leaves, the neurone returns to resting potential
  • An action potential in one part of the neurone causes the ...

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