Social Psychology - Blue Eyes vs. Brown Eyes Jane Elliot Film Analysis

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“Blue Eyes vs. Brown Eyes” – Jane Elliot Film Analysis

  1. Two principles that define the sociocultural level of analysis in this video are belonging and culture.

  1. The ethical considerations related to this video are that the study had long-lasting psychological effects on the participants ( 3RD grade children)

  1. the students would have blamed the happenings on situational factors, due to the actor-observer effect which states that when people identify their own negative behaviour they will usually attribute their mistakes to external factors.

  1.  a) The self-serving bias effect was an evident error in attribution that was present in the video when the students took the test and when they did well they attributed it to dispositional factors and when they did bad on the test they attributed it to situational factors, and the related study is a study by Johnson et al. In 1964 when the students were asked to teach other pupils attributed responsibility for increased performance to their teaching, but decreased performance to the students

b) The second error in attribution was the fundamental attribution error.  From the focus of attention on the group being discriminated against, the teacher was able to attribute dispositional factors to the behaviour of the students in order to generalize and increase the seriousness of the consequences of these behaviours to the entire group.  A study relevant to these occurrences was done by Ross et al (1977), in which college students were randomly assigned the roles of questioner, observer, or contestant, where the questioner formed a total of ten challenging questions used to test the knowledge of the contestant.  Since the contestants rarely got more than four of the ten questions right, the questioner was consistently rated as the more intelligent individual, despite their ability to invent the questions.  

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  1. The social identity theory was created by Henry Tajfel in 1971, and it says that individuals strive to improve their social image by trying to enhance their self esteem based on personal or various social identities. There was division between the in-group and out-group within the film, it was easy to see the formation of social comparison. Therefore, by being part of the in-group, a person would be able to improve their self-esteem.  

  1. The explanations and shared beliefs held by the in-group within the film were that teacher led the students to believe that people ...

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