The benefits of bacillus subtilis

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Torie Toscano

December 4, 2011

Bacillus Subtilis (#122)

When it comes to discussing bacteria, many people are not aware that not all bacteria are harmful. In fact, a substantial amount of bacteria that exists are very beneficial, and they actually help us rather than harm us. Bacillus Subtilis is one of these bacterium’s that do more benefiting than harming. Bacillus Subtilis is a gram-positive bacterium. Being a gram-positive bacterium means that it contains a thick peptidoglycan layer in its cell wall which makes it retain the color saffarine when conducting a gram stain, and will appear purple when observed under a microscope. The shape of Bacillus Subtilis is rod shaped, when under a microscope it appears to look like a rounded rectangle. Bacillus Subtilis is an ubiquitous bacterium, which simply means that it is found nearly everywhere. You can find Bacillus Subtilis in soil, decomposing plant matter, water, and air. An interesting feature about Bacillus Subtilis is that it has the ability to produce endospores. Endospores are thick walls that surround the cell to protect its DNA and other internal structures. With that being said, this makes Bacillus Subtilis a very tough bacterium to destroy. Bacillus Subtilis can withstand harsh temperatures, environmental factors, chemicals, extreme pH, and few types of radiation. With the ability to withstand such harsh conditions it is likely to find Bacillus Subtilis to live in many extreme habitats such as desert sands, hot springs, and Arctic soils. Another great feature about Bacillus Subtilis is that it has the ability to create a thin usually resistant layer of microorganisms that form on and coat various surfaces that are called Biofilms.

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Bacillus Subtilis is not usually known to cause any diseases. Only in immunocompromised patients will Bacillus Subtilis become a threat to become pathogenic. As for healthy individuals, Bacillus Subtilis can be used as a ‘chemical that denotes substances which stimulates the growth of microorganisms, especially those in the intestinal flora’ (oxford 1), also known as, probiotics. Bacillus Subtilis does have the ability to contaminate food, very rarely is food poisoning a result from it. When examining food for possible Bacillus Subtilis contamination, you will notice a sticky substance (frequently seen on spoiled bread dough), which is a long chain of ...

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