The Influence of Physical Attractiveness

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The Influence of Physical Attractiveness

Andrew Liu

IBS Psychology


Jay Atwood

Word Count: 1955










        Description of Results……………………………………………………………………………………………5


Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8




                The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of physical attractiveness on a perceiver’s behavior, in this case the amount of prison years the perceiver decided to sentence the suspects depending on their physical attractiveness. The research hypothesis established by the researchers stated that defendants who are rated as more attractive received a lighter sentence than those who are rated as less attractive. The participants were made up of the male population in their junior year of high school. The independent variables of the study were the attractiveness of the picture attached with the case and the dependent variable was the amount of prison years the perceiver decided to sentence the suspects. The control was established by testing another group of people without having an independent variable. The results showed that attractive people received less years sentenced to prison compared to those that were less attractive, which supported the research hypothesis. Implications that might be made is that


        The original development of Social Psychology was intended to identify basic principles of behavior that affect people around the world. Studies conducted in this perspective often relate to human behaviors that apply to all humans. The study that was replicated by the researchers deals with the halo effect. This effect states that physical attractiveness has advantage over those that are less attractive. The halo effect builds around the belief that more beautiful people are thought to have beautiful personalities and possess other socially desirable characteristics.

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        The study that the researchers are going to imitate is from a study conducted by (Sigall & Ostrove, 1975). In their experiment their hypothesis stated that more attractive people will receive less time sentenced in jail. This study and the theory that it is based upon all support our research hypothesis. Another study which supports the prediction in the research hypothesis is a study done by (John Stewart III, 1980). In his observational study he studied the amount of time an attractive person was sentenced and the time that a less attractive person was sentenced. In his study he concluded ...

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