The use of drugs in athletics.

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Anabolic Steroids…………………………………………………………........................ 5

THG……………………………………………………………………………………… 6


Bibliography………………………………………………………………....................... 8


The aim of this project is to find out about the use of drugs in athletics and also to analyse the future for the sport. Athletics has become a full time job for the athlete’s of the modern day. With the invention of television and the human thirst to find out the fastest person or the best in each field of athleticism, has led to the growth of the commercialization of the game. Successful companies now rely on top athlete’s to promote their products. This has created a division in athletes – between the successful and the less successful ones. Some athlete’s fell that most top athlete’s are only successful because they use drugs, and so feel that the best way to level the playing field is to use drugs themselves. Another factor that has given rise to the use of drugs in the sport is that of state sponsored one, which was very rampant during the cold war. Many observers feel that most of the successful athletes to come out of Eastern Europe during the cold war were because they were using drugs. The best example of this was the East German team that went to the1976 Olympics in Montreal, Canada, the team were systematically given steroids without their knowledge or consent. Athletics has moved away from the old days of it being a pride and doing your best, like ‘Jesse Owen’ in the 1936 Olympics, it has now `become a case of winners take all, whether legitimate or not. There are so many drugs used nowadays, but I will only talk about a few and the importance they have had on the sport.

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One of the commonly abused drugs by athletes is Erythropoietin, commonly known as EPO. EPO is an artificial hormone that allows the blood to carry more oxygen, thus boosting the athlete’s endurance. EPO is much favoured by the long distance runners. EPO is generally administered to an athlete’s body through injection. It is injected under the skin, which in turn stimulates the red blood cell production. The more red blood cells the EPO can produce into the body the more ...

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