Aaron shepheard                

Theories of Aggression

        The social learning theory emphasises that we learn from the example of others, as well as from direct experiences with rewards and punishments. One type of behaviour that can apply to the social learning theory is aggression. According to the theory, children will be aggressive if regularly exposed to aggressive models such parents, same-sex peers and media figures. Reinforcement is another factor to consider as when people see someone getting what they want by being aggressive; they are likely to imitate them.        


Albert Bandura conducted an experiment to demonstrate the social learning theory of aggression. He took a group of young boys and girls, and individually took them into a nursery, and the child in a corner of the room with a set of toys. The model was seated in the opposite corner with a selection of toys, which included a 5ft Bobo doll and a mallet. In the non-aggressive condition the model played with the toys. In the aggressive condition the model repeatedly hit the doll with the mallet, and was verbally aggressive towards the doll. The children were then taken into a room with a Bobo doll and a mallet, and they too began hitting the doll and used many of the same verbal terms as the model used. The children who were with the non-aggressive model did not hit the Bobo doll, and showed no aggression. This shows strong evidence that children are likely to copy behaviour which they would unlikely produce otherwise.

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Although the experiment did show strong evidence that children are likely to copy behaviour, the experiment does have some negative points. The experiment was completed under artificial conditions, therefore it lacks ecological validity. The results therefore cannot be generalized to real life situations. The experiment was also completely unethical as Bandura conditioned these young children to new ways of aggression that they had not known before, and he did not get consent from the children’s parents.    

The type of model also affects whether the child will actually imitate the behaviour. A model is most likely to ...

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