To what extent can transactional models help in understanding the origins and development of disturbing behaviour in young children

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Gerard Doherty X7267888        TMA 03 Essay

Option 1: “To what extent can transactional models help in understanding the origins and development of disturbing behaviour in young children?”

As human animals we are born into a social structure that requires us to develop accordingly. We normally form patterns of behaviour that facilitate communication and interaction with our family and peers. Some people however display behaviour that is out-with the realms of normality. This behaviour, if it is sustained and/or is particularly damaging and disruptive, is deemed to be socially unacceptable.

For the most part such behaviour is temporary and through proper socialisation continuation is normally averted. However for some, such actions can be permanent causing further disruption to the life of the individual and to those around them. It is when this happens that individuals are considered to be displaying problem behaviour.

It is difficult to determine what is at the root of problematic behaviour in children. Some argue from a nativist perspective that that there is a genetic predisposition towards deviant behaviour. Others attribute such behaviour to the failure of the parents and the social system in general for failing to socialise children in the appropriate manner. This of course can be the result of a variety of factors including school, economic disadvantage, disruptive home life etc. In any case disturbing behaviour in children is an important and arguably topical subject for debate.

Social development for the most part begins with the very first bond the child makes with their primary caregiver, which is normally the mother. Perhaps unsurprisingly disruptions to this “natural” relationship are regarded by many authors as being detrimental to the wellbeing and development of the child. For example John Bowlby (1973) suggests that; “No variables have more of a far reaching effect on a personality development than a child’s experiences with his/her family and his/her relations with his/her mother figure.” 

Baring in mind the tremendous impact that the primary care giver has on the child it is worth remembering that it is not only the presence of the mother that is of importance but of equal significance is the quality of the relationship. As such the attitude of the mother to her child and her sensitivity to its needs has profound implications for development. For example Murray (1991) suggests that; “A mothers mental state will have influence on their child’s development.”

The role of the father as a socialising agent has until recently been overlooked and as such the attachment that children have to their fathers has been understated. However Lamb (1997) has argued that fathers provide a different form of support one, which is equally important in the social development of children. For example in the first instance the father can be viewed as hierarchical authoritative figure. Perhaps more importantly fathers are more likely it seems to engage in concentrated play with their children than their mothers. As suggested by Lamb; “By the time children are toddlers two out of three pick the father as the one they want to play with. The overall pattern is clear, mother is security father is fun.” In addition Scott (1998) found that; “Absence or low involvement of fathers has been shown to be associated with poor outcomes for children.” 

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A disrupted relationship with ones parents it seems also has a reasonably significant effect on the development of individuals. If we consider for a moment the effect that little or no parental contact has on subjects, then it is possible to gauge how crucial a socialisation agent the parents and in particular the mother can be. For example Harlow (1958) based a series of experiment on the relationship between a rhesus monkeys and a surrogate mother. Perhaps unsurprisingly Harlow found that the subjects failed to develop properly and as such they displayed dysfunctional behaviour. For instance Harlow noted that ...

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