We are going to compare the fragments of viral DNA by adding three different enzymes.

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DNA finger printing Aim: We are going to compare the fragments of viral DNA by adding three different enzymes. Hypothesis: The fragments that have more base pairs are the ones that are going to be closer to the wells and the control is going to have only one mark. This is because the more base pairs the fragment has the harder of it to move from one side of the gel to the other and because there is no enzyme on the well with the control the DNA is not broken down, this will look as one line. Apparatus: MicrosyringeDistilled waterDry lambda DNASmall tubeEcoRI enzymeBamHI enzymeHindI enzymeWater bathAgarose gelTransparent plastic tankCombLoading dyeElectrodesTwo 9V batteries Method: Used plastic gloves cleaned with alcohol during the howled experiment. Add 100 ul of distilled water to the Lambda DNA tube. Use the 10-ul graduation on the tip 10 times to dispense this.Cap the tube lightly and allow it to stand for 5 minutes.Hold the closed tube firmly at the top, and then flick the side repeatedly with a finger to mix the contents. Do this for one full minute.Allow the tube to stand for a further 5 minutes. The Lambda DNA solution should look slightly opaque.Add a fresh tip to the microsyringe. Put 20 ul of Lambda DNA
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solution into an enzyme tube of your choice (refer to Fig. 4 for the colour code). Mix the liquid and the dried enzyme by carefully drawing the liquid up and down in the tip a few times.Repeat this for each enzyme tube and the yellow ‘control’ tube, using a fresh tip each time to prevent cross-contamination between the tubes.Cap each tube with an appropriately coloured lid.Incubate the tubes at 37 C, in a water bath or incubator, for between 30 and 45 minutes.Place the electrophoresis tank on a level surface, where you can leave it undisturbed for the next 20–30 ...

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