"What are the advantages and disadvantages of the behaviourist approach to mental disorder?"

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Introduction To Abnormal Psychology


Compulsory Coursework Essay Title

Year 1 – Term 2


  Hemis Number: 127844

                                                                                       Word Count: 1,571

“What are the advantages and disadvantages of the behaviourist approach to mental disorder?”

The behavioural approach to psychology emphasises the effects that environmental stimuli can have on a person. Because of the importance of the environment, behavioural psychologists concentrate on the process of learning and any lasting change that occurs as a result of any experience. The origins of behaviourism can be traced back to a paper written by John Watson entitled, ‘Psychology as the behaviourist views it’ (Watson 1913). He emphasised the importance of the environment in our behaviour and there are three central ideas behind the theory. There is an emphasis on observable responses and environmental stimuli, a rejection to any concepts that are not evident from direct observation and a focus on experience and learning as the fundamental basis behind understanding behaviour.

Behaviourists see people as biological organisms that are innately capable of responding to the environment in which they live. Humans like many other organisms are capable of performing a wide range of complex responses, however these are seen as combinations of simpler responses in behaviourism. Continuity is assumed between humans and all other animals, which means that they are all capable of making similar responses even if those of humans are more complex. Reflexes are the simple biological processes that behaviourists have used as the fundamental model for explaining human behaviour.  For example the smell of food may make us salivate and in this way, the stimulus and response are connected so that whenever the stimulus appears the response will follow. Other stimuli and responses, which are not normally associated with one another, can become so through 'conditioning'.  Three factors can influence the conditioning process, contiguity, frequency and reinforcement. A stimulus and response are contiguous events because they occur at nearly the same time and in the same place. The amount of times a stimulus occurs and is followed by the response which means that they are likely to become linked together. Finally if a response results in a pleasant event then the connection can be made stronger and the response is likely to be repeated. However because of contiguity the pleasant event does not have to be produced by the response it can simply occur closely after it to reinforce the response.

Pavlov (1849-1936) demonstrated this effect in his studies using dogs. He noticed how salivation occurred when food, the unconditioned stimulus, was brought to the dogs, so he tried to get the same response only using different stimuli. He would ring a bell every time food was given to the dogs and eventually the dogs associated the bell with food and they salivated upon its ringing. The bell became the conditioned stimuli and Pavlov believed that the association was formed because they occurred closely together in time (contiguity) and because the action was repeated many times (frequency).  

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Skinner however believed that stimuli were not directly responsible for producing a certain form of behavior and if a response was reinforced it would appear more often in similar situations. All people therefore have a ‘reinforcement history'. Skinner put forward the theory of operant conditioning and he stressed the importance of the consequences of a behavior.  In this theory, the organism produces an effect on its environment; the probability of the reappearance of this response is determined by the response itself. In classical conditioning the response is reflexive in operant conditioning the responses are not. They are more complex, ...

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