Why do we have the colour vision system that we have?

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Exam number: Y2272309

Why do we have the colour vision system that we have?

“The rays are not colour’d” – according to Isaac Newton, colour is something we perceive ourselves (Thompson, et al, 2006).  In order to understand why we perceive colour the way we do, we must ask why we have the colour vision system that we have, what colour is, what it enables us to do, and the repercussions of the alternative options to colour vision. Advantages of having a colour vision system, and more specifically a trichromatic colour vision system, appear to be firmly grounded in the evolutionary approach.

        White light consists of many different wavelengths, most clearly seen in a rainbow, where the raindrops, as prisms, split the different wavelengths so we can see their individual paths, or individual colours. Newton described these wavelengths in terms of their colour, ranging from short to long wavelengths: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Light is merely a combination of all these wavelengths, and so in everyday life, we see colour based on which wavelengths are reflected when lights hits an object, and which are absorbed, not what colour the object is. We cannot see many different wavelengths, and which we can see is based primarily on the photoreceptors that we have. Although some animals have the ability to see in the infra-red, and on first glance, this would seem to be a highly valuable skill, because of our warm blood, this would merely result in us only seeing the glow from our own blood (Bowmaker, 1983).

        Colour vision relies on us possessing these photoreceptors in our retinas, otherwise known as ‘cones’, that have sensitivity to certain wavelengths along the visual spectrum. A photoreceptor that responds most to a wavelength of 550-570nm, for example would be able to detect a yellowy-green colour. The sensitivity of this receptor peaks at 560nm, yet the further away the wavelength from this peak, the less efficient this receptor will be at distinguishing colour (Thompson et al, 2006). Possessing only a single receptor such as described above, is known as having monochromatic vision, and leads to many problems. Because photoreceptors can’t distinguish between colour and intensity, and light of a certain wavelength at one receptor’s peak sensitivity could appear identical to a light with a shorter wavelength, yet twice the intensity. This is known as univariance. With only one receptor, unable to tell the difference between high intensity and high sensitivity of wavelength, we can receive only very limited information about the visual world. Humans would benefit far more from a richer type of visual information, and this is therefore why, in general, we do not possess monochromatic vision (Wolf, 2002).

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        A more sophisticated, yet still quite lacking alternative to monochromatic vision is dichromatic vision. Having a second cone type, one that responds to either a significantly shorter or longer wavelength, for example, allows differences in colour to be recognised. Because of this, the majority of mammals have this dichromatic vision. One aspect of vision to be sacrificed with this added cone, blue in this case, however, is that in order to have two cone types, there must be fewer of the original cones to accommodate any more. Having fewer of a certain type of cone means compromising visual acuity, as ...

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