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Competitive position and market structure form part of the current situation analysis whereby they contribute to the identification and ranking of opportunities and threats in the SWOT analysis. These considerations need to be used as an input when selecting the most appropriate strategies to take the advantage of opportunities or counter threats.

ABC Cheese Factory fits in the market structure of oligopoly where in this market structure there is several numbers of sellers in which recognized interdependencies exist among actions of firm. The profit they gain depends not entirely on its price and sales strategies but also on those of its competitors. ABC Cheese Factory must consider how its competitor will react to any change in its price, output, product characteristic or advertising. To be more specific, ABC Cheese Factory operates in the differentiated oligopoly where their offering is partially differentiated in term of quality, features, price points and image. They offer 15 different taste using Tilba Club as the brand name and vacuum-packed portion of random weight. Differentiated oligopoly usually engage in considerable competition and supported by heavy advertising and promotions.

In term of competitive directions, ABC Cheese Factory as an oligopoly market aims at creating and sustaining a desired point of differentiation. They created the vintage cheese that was noticeably different to everybody else’s. Using the brand name of Tilba Club which exists in the business for 106 years as a strong branding strategy, they developed the growth of the market through market penetration and market development. ABC Cheese Factory expand their business through good relationship with the distributor in order to tap the existing market potential and try to penetrate market by attracting new customers or competitors market with their well known brand name. They also move their product to more geographic coverage.

 ABC as an oligopoly market structure need to combine growth strategies with the product development and loyalty program in order to prevent loss of market share to its competitors. They need to have cost management strategies that suit the positioning of the business and its offering as their main competitive direction.

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Competitive Position is also known as Market Share Strategies which refers to strength and weaknesses of a firm in relative to its competitors in the market. The competitive position often based on combination factors and it can be calculated similarly as BCG Model. The competitive position can be categorized as strong, medium or weak.

The detailed composition of competitive position discussed as follows:-

  1. Strong

Strong competitive position can be further narrowed down based on the followings:-

  • Dominant

The firms control the behavior of other rivals and have a wide choice of strategic ...

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