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This report has been written as results of research before and during the fieldtrip in Berlin. It will focus on the theme of this case, namely authenticity, commodification and their relationship with tourism.

The aim of this report is to find an answer to the problem statement: “In what sense can the tourism product of Berlin be considered as authentic?” Therefore five research questions were given and will be dealt with in this report.

The first research question is “What are the definitions of authenticity and commodification, and what is their relation to tourism?” The second research question “What is considered to be the tourism product of Brussels?” will give a short overview of the main tourist hotspots in Berlin.  Moreover the question “In what way is authenticity used in advertisements and marketing?” and “What are examples of co modified culture in Berlin?” will be answered. The last research questions “Do tourist’s experience the ‘authentic Berlin’ will focus on the results of interviews which have been conducted during the fieldtrip in Berlin.

Finally, the answer to the problem will be given in the in the conclusion as well as a short summary of the main points with reference to the research questions.

‘Authenticity’ and ‘commodification’ in relationship with tourism

Within the tourism industry the term authenticity is often explained by ‘the real’ and ‘traditional’. But there are so many definitions of the term authenticity. Like the dictionary stated authenticity is “known to be real and genuine” (Soanes, Hawker and Elliot, 2006). Many others indicated that the meaning of the term is personal, so every person has its own opinion about it. This means that tourism products can be authentic for one person, but is inauthentic for someone else.

Research has been concluded to mark the difference between authentic and inauthentic. Dann stated that authentic can be related to something in the past, herby one can think of an era, culture and traditions. Authenticity plays an important role in the tourism studies according to Hughes. (Dann, 2002).

Gilmore & Pine II (2007) suggested that authenticity comes compared with management tools as well in order to help businesses, and of course also businesses within the tourism industry, for example render authenticity by implementing specific strategies (Gilmore& Pine II, 2007).

Besides, there is staged authenticity, which means that the aspects of a certain culture which are known by the tourist are still performed by the local community. But in fact it is only a show for the tourists and in the daily life of the locals it is not used anymore. E.g. Venice you see every where gondolas, but only filled with tourist.

Authenticity consists out of 3 different types, namely objective, constructive and existential authenticity. According to Dann objective authenticity means when a toured object is authentic the experience is authentic as well; a historic event is authentic when it is organised in its original setting and time period. Constructive authenticity depends on the fact that the tourists must see the objectives as authentic, which includes that the authenticity depends on the person who presents the object instead of the object itself.

The last type of authenticity is personal, where the interaction between tourists plays an important role. There are two distinctions the de re-experience, which is caused by  

one experience like visiting the Louvre and experiencing the real Mona Lisa, while de other type has to do with the character of an experience, than the Mona Lisa in Las Vegas can be authentic as well (Dann, 2002).

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 “The transformation of goods and services (or things that may not normally regarded as goods or services) into a commodity.” (Kadijk, 2009).

This is a definition of the term commodification Kadijk also add that commodification is not only about good and services, but it has also to do with rituals, ceremonies, folk arts etc. Commodification can be classified into three types of values; which are use value based on the usefulness of a commodity; the value and original purpose for the community. Secondly, the exchange value which is related to the amount of tourist who would like to pay ...

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