behavioral dimensions in organisations

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Analysis Report                                        28/12/2007

Managing Organisations


Task 3

Analysis report

Case Study:

Behavioral dimensions in organisations

Executive Summary

ABC is a Management Consultancy on the Sunshine Coast. Due to the fact that there are many competitors on the market it is important to find an individual strategy which is different and adds value to regular consultancy services. Pursuing innovation is a necessity in this dynamic environment. It requires knowledge management, flexible processes, flat organizations and an open minded management.

The ABC consultancy has a flat, organic organizational structure with cross functional teams.  It has a decentralized power and control and a low degree of formalisation. The culture of the company has an open door policy, shaped strongly by the founder. Using metaphors and rituals emphasises the core values of the company. Integrity of the person, respect, honesty and dignity are of great importance to the company.

In chapter 3 the behavioural dimension analyses teams and managerial responsibilities in the organisation. To achieve the synergy for the ABC consultancy, members of the teams have to complement in skills and commit to each other in an autonomous way. Working in a team should culminate in a self managerial approach. In order to achieve that, the manager’s position has to be reconsidered.

To meet the goals and objectives of ABC´s strategy, supervisors should focus on their core values and learn to delegate authority. The paradox in exercising power is that

“…power as a leader increases as you give it away” (Newman 2007, p.142).

To achieve changes in organization processes requires involvement of all stakeholders. Top management has to support and facilitate changes which are embedded in the whole organization.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary        

1 Introduction        

2. Key characteristics of the organisation        

2.1 The organisational structure        

2.2 The organisational culture

3 Behavioral dimensions


3.2 Responsibility and Delegation

4.   Recommendations        


1 Introduction

The following report represents an analysis of Management Consultancy Agency ABC. (Further to be referred to as ABC). ABC was founded eight years ago and has currently fifty employees. It targets businesses on the Sunshine Coast. The environment is very dynamic and complex since there are many competitors and many substitute products exist on the market. To remain competitive in the market, it is essential to be innovative by continuously acquiring knowledge to keep up with development.

ABC’s product (management consultancy) requires a knowledge-based strategy. ‘Knowledge production is critical to sustaining competitive advantage and organisational success’ (Kogut & Zander 1992). The essence of the strategy does not lie in the particular product or services (Stalk et al 1999) but in processes (Day 1994).

2. Key characteristics of the organisation

2.1 The organisational structure

According to Bunge (1979) organisational structure is the relationship between elements that capture the essence of organisations’ activities. The ‘organisational structure reflects system thinking, an organisation is composed of elements, the relationship between elements and relations as a whole that constitutes one unit’ (Checkland, 1999). We can differentiate the organisational structure to be mechanistic or organic. ‘Mechanistic organizations were developed to operate a high efficiency in stable environment’ (Burnes 2000), while organic organizations are best suited to perform undefined tasks and a changing environment.  

ABC has an organic organisational structure to anticipate its dynamic and complex environment. The organic structure of this organisation is characterized by a flat and team-based organisation. ‘A shift from vertical decision making to horizontal collaboration’ (McCalman 1996) makes the organisation composition consist of top management level, strategic groups and project teams (Wang & Ahmed 2003). In ABC, the Managing Director forms the top management level and HRM, Marketing and Finance department are the strategic groups. The product unit consists of consultants, assistant consultants and secretaries who work with temporary cross-functional teams. Team based structures facilitate efficiencies in work processes, and are able to provide customers with quality products and services.

Departmentalization is the basis on which work or individuals are grouped into manageable units. This organisation has its departments divided by the function that needs to be performed. (HRM, Finance, Marketing and Product-unit). The advantage of this type of grouping is obtaining efficiencies from consolidating similar specialties and people with common skills, knowledge and orientations together in common units.


Division of labour, or work specialization, is the degree to which tasks in an organization are subdivided into separate jobs’ (Robbins & Judge 2006, p. 539). Work process requirements and employee skill levels determine the degree of specialization. Placing capable people in each job causes improvement of productivity. In order to maximize productivity in the product-unit, supervisors match employee skill levels with task requirements’.

In this organisation, the power and control is mainly decentralized. ‘ is the extent to which decision-making authority is pushed down the organization structure and shared with lower-level employees.’ (Robbins & Judge 2006, p.544).  The product unit is headed by two senior consultants. The senior consultants carry managerial responsibilities and participate in the temporary teams. However, work teams are empowered to plan and organize their own work and to perform that work with a minimum of supervision. Only final decisions on the work plan need consent of the Senior Consultant who carries the final responsibility. Strategic decisions are being made by the Managing Director.

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Decentralized organizations have fewer levels of management with wide spans of control giving employees more freedom of action. The senior consultants of ABC product-unit have a span of control of eighteen people. The supervisors of strategic groups have a limited span of control on average of 4 people.  

The ‘Chain of command is the line of reporting relationships that extends throughout the organization and clarifies who reports to whom’ (Robins & Judge 2006, p. 541). This indirectly defines the formal decision-making structure of the organisation. Supervisors in the strategic groups, (Marketing, HRM and Finance) give direct orders, evaluate ...

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