Being part of a team is more important than leading it." Discuss.

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Title: Being Part of a team is more important than leading it

By: Priyanka Pattekar

Class: Team Skills

Cohort – Monthly EMBA Chokra

Word Count :1887 ( Excluding Bibliography)

Being part of a team is more important than leading it." Discuss.

Author William Nippard on teamwork states that “more than 80% of fortune 500 companies subscribe to teamwork. Teamwork brings success no matter how you define victory.” Teamwork is about a group of people working towards a common objective in a mutually agreeable manner. Being part of team can be a highly rewarding and can help both the individual and the team with increases in individual and organizational creativity, innovation and synergy. A leader whilst definitely plays a role in the team’s outcome cannot take advantage of these factors to the same extent that a team member can.  These “team” rewards as well as personal rewards such as self-development and organistational effectiveness are key reasons that being part of the team is more important than leading.

Being part of the team can increase personal creativity and learning new skills and help to deliver any output. In today’s complex business environment, teams are an essential mechanism for delivering any output from building a car to deploying an IT system. Teamwork provides a climate of collaboration such as that ideas can be shared and a common ground established to deliver the required objective. This idea has also been embraced by the business community. Yuki Funo the Chairman and CEO of Toyota motor, states that the “Toyota way is the way to number 1”. One of the principles of the Toyota way is to ‘add value to the organization by developing your people and people can be developed by molding them into exceptional individuals and teams to work within the corporate philosophy2.

Organisations constantly strive to develop new products, services, new technologies and deliver them to the market. Innovation provides organisations with competitive advantage. A person own their own might have an idea but it generally takes a team with skill and expertise to complete it. This benefits both the individual and team as without participating in the team the originator of the idea may not have realised its final state. The team can even help improve upon the original idea enhancing individual’s skillset. Leading the team does not always allow the individual to directly participate in this manner. A leader’s role is generally to guide, train and provides resources but it is the team who executes the innovation.

Being a team member also means that the burden of delivering the product is not solely on one’s shoulders. The tasks that are required to be performed are subdivided and the results presented as a group. A fair work distribution ensures that every person or every working unit executes any task at hand, with the best possible efficiency. The division of work, also, ensures that the work is done on time and deadlines are not extended. This shared accountability also allows members to have a safe environment to make mistakes and learn from them. A leader on the other hand cannot enjoy this shared responsibility and is generally accountable as a sole person. An extreme case where being the leader was perhaps not favorable at all and in fact led to the leaders’ death was the 1996 Everest disaster where the leaders’ of the commercial expeditions of two companies ended up dying trying to reach the summit. In these expeditions the leader had the sole responsibility of ensuring he team’s safety and ensuring that they achived their goals and made the critical decisions. This is the opposite of the climb of Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Sherpa who made the first summit of Everest as a team3. Both members shared the tasks and used their individual skills to the team’s benefit to achieve their goal.

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A team is usually formed with a common goal in mind with team members with varied skills and experiences. Everyone comes from a different background, skills, knowledge and life experience and brings this to the table. Working in a team enables the individuals to learn from this shared pool of knowledge enhancing their own personal knowledge and skills. These skills can aid a person in job or personal progression. This phenomenon is often described as cooperative learning and can aid in areas as varied as social skills (communication, conflict management etc.) and technical skills. Current research on Cooperative Learning by researchers ...

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