A product or service needs to have attributes that signify its quality, company’s objectives, customer assurance, differentiating device and value to the ultimate user; all this and more encompasses the concept of branding. To design a product that satisfies customers want is not easy. Customers do not just buy products; they look for benefits and are willing to pay more if the product gives them that extra value. Branding is to create that extra value in addition to the basic value of a product or service.

A Brand is name, term, sign, symbol, design or combination of all these, which is used to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors (Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J. and Wong, V., 2001). Branding is a significant marketing tool. Equity is the perception of the product in the mind of the consumer and loyalty is not only a key element but also the most important dimension to brand equity. Branding strategies are developed by the organisation in order to create a positive image about the benefits of a product. Brand equity is about this image, which the customers have in their mind, and if a product can manage to sustain its image of providing these benefits, it can gain long-term customer loyalty, therefore retain customers and make profits as well.


In today’s world, when every company is trying to survive and the same time gain a significant market share to make a profit, the key to stay in the market is not only to sell existing goods or services but create a distinctive name for itself, which can give it an edge over other competitors. A lot of things have changed in recent years like customers have become more price sensitive but they still want high quality products or services. Businesses have had to change in the face of new threats to the economy and with the world becoming a global village there has been a lot of competition to deal with as well. The need for companies to create greater awareness is greater than ever. Businesses are competing to get a competitive edge over each other. Brand equity concept can deal with

a host of the practical issues about the management of a brand, confronted by most businesses today. Brand loyalty is a key element of brand equity that can be translated into future sales and also used to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. It is also a key element in sustaining demand and sales flow over time. So, the need for businesses today is to create a considerable size of brand loyal customers, so as to not only make profits but also expand on the base of that.


 According to Kotler, Brand Equity is defined as ‘The value of a brand, based on the extent to which it has high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality, strong brand associations, and other assets such as patents, trademarks and channel relationships’.

FIGURE 1: Brand Equity

SOURCE: Aaker (1991) p.17

Brand equity is the perception of a product in the mind of the consumer. If the consumer thinks that the product is superior to any other alternative then the consumer will go for it every time. Brand equity provides value to customer by adding extra value to the basic ones. It puts more confidence in a customer in the purchase decision. It also provides value to the firm and by giving value to the customer, which will potentially result in some extra cash flow. In order to satisfy customers the company will maintain high standards, which can only be beneficial. The other four brand equity dimensions also contribute to Brand loyalty. The extent to which a customer is willing to pay more for a particular brand is a measure of brand equity, for example, is able to charge 7 to 12 percent over other lesser known competitors. Any brand with high equity will have a few competitive advantages like create a barrier for new companies to enter and also an opportunity to introduce variants or new products based on the brand awareness of an old product.



For this assignment, I will be concentrating on the relationship between equity and loyalty because Brand loyalty of the customer base is often the core of a brand’s equity.

If the customers buy products based on the features, price or convenience and are insensitive to brands, then there is not much equity. But, if people insist on buying a particular brand, no matter what else is available in the same category on the market, then there is a high equity. Different levels of Brand Loyalty occur in the market, which have been shown in the Figure 2:

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The bottom most category of customers have no preferences, all products have almost the same effect for them. They are not biased towards any brand. The second ones from bottom are satisfied with what they consume and are very difficult customers to target as they usually do not go looking for alternatives. The third level consists of customers, who are satisfied but the switching cost ...

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