Challenges of Aviemore

External factors affecting Aviemore

The document contains 5028 words

Was written in 2007
by Hajnalka Andrea Nagy 0706338
for Tourism and Hospitality Management (BS1210)

Executive summary

The introduction contains a brief insert about Aviemore as a tourist destination. The main body contains the Transformation process, the challenges that Aviemore has to deal with and External factors that has an impact on the Scottish tourism affecting Aviemore's tourism. The last two paragraph is the recommendation and the conclusion that emphasise how Aviemore could be a better provider than other destinations.

The aim of this report is to highlight the place's strengths and weaknesses by analysing them and helping decision-makers in what extent to develop the destination.

In the analysis positive and negative effects are considered explaining how they influence the tourism environment. These include things like why it is important for Aviemore to keep the surrounding area unspoilt, how to target overseas visitors, the empty nesters, yuppies and other single visitors and how to benefit from certain Government policies, environmental issues, domestic tourism. It is explained why it is so important to consider people's changing lifestyle, to move from quantity to quality, to offer new facilities, and to open up towards the activity holiday sector. Aviemore also benefits from technological factors like cheaper and faster transport facilities. Negative effects are also reported: Aviemore has to survive the economical instability, growing unemployment, rises in minimum wages, decreases in disposable income. The usage of Internet, the new medium, as a personal seller is considered as a more and more powerful tool in the promotional mix.

The sources are both primary and secondary sources. The information is obtained mainly from Government reports, National statistics, and market intelligence reports such as Keynote, Mintel and BBC publications. Wikipedia and Aviemore's official website as well as a field trip has been used only to gain a basic insight about the place. Journals like The Observer, The Independent, Financial Times, The Guardian and local papers gave additional and more reliable information. Other websites such as Moffat Centre, Cairngorm National Resort and Visit Scotland filled the gaps.

Although a lot of challenges Aviemore has face, it is significantly benefiting from the ever growing need for activity holidays and the Government's current initiatives, while economical trends slow down the process. With constant evaluation and analysis of the external factors and the competitive environment, and with a continuous adaptive policy, Aviemore will probably gain a stronger, more powerful position in the market, amongst its competitors on a long term basis.

Table of contents

  1. 0 Introduction                                                                1

1.1 Insight                                                                        1

1.2 Things to do                                                                1

1.3 Success                                                                2

  1. 0 Transformation process                                                3

2.1 System inputs                                                        3

2.2 Black box                                                                3

2.3 The output                                                                3


  1. 0 Challenges                                                                5

3.1 Interest of profits contra conserving the environment         5

3.2 Weather                                                                5

3.3 Accessibility                                                                5

3.4 Finding the best employments                                        5

3.5 Expansion                                                                5


  1. 0 External factors affecting Aviemore                                7

4.1 Socio-cultural                                                        7

   i, Demographics                                                7

  ii, Growing importance of the social class structure        7

 iii, Activity holiday                                                 7

 iv, Growing number of overseas visitors                        8

  v, Changing lifestyles                                                8

 vi, From quantity to quality                                        8

vii, New phenomenon: activity holidays                        8

viii, Demanding children                                        8

4.2 Environmental                                                         9

   i, Global warming                                                9

  ii, Being environmentally conscious                        9

 iii, Terrorism- viral outbreaks                                9

4.3 Economical                                                                10

   i, Affordable long-haul flights                                10

  ii, Increasing spending per holiday                         10

 iii, Economical instability                                        10

 iv, Unemployment                                                 10

  v, Disposable income                                                11

4.4 Technological                                                         11

   i, Cheap flights                                                        11

  ii, Fast train services- alternative of flying                11

 iii, Internet accessibility                                        11

 iv, Independent holidays                                        11

  v, Internet as a personal seller                                12

 vi, State of art facilities                                        12

4.5 Political- legal                                                        12

   i, Regulations, Taxations                                        12

  ii, Air Passenger Duty (APD)                                13

 iii, The Scottish Government                                        13

 iv, Increased minimum wages                                13        

  1. 0 Recommendation                                                        15        

5.1 The future                                                                15        

   i, Marketing, positioning                                        15                

  ii, Image of Scotland                                                15        

 iii, Promotion                                                         15        

 iv, Promotional gifts- freebies                                16        

  v, Exceeding expectations                                        16        

 vi, Adaptability                                                        16        

vii, Knowing the real competitors                                16        

viii, Highest standards                                                16        

 ix, Maintaining customer relations                                16        

  x, Working together                                                16        

 xi, Joint ventures                                                17        

xii, The pub                                                        17        

xiii, Scottish Enterprise                                                17

xiv, Shorter holidays                                                17

xv, Own choice of service                                        17

Join now!

xvi, Conference hall                                                17

xvii, Broader international target market                        18

xviii, Single households                                                18

xix, Empty nesters                                                18

 xx, Single pound                                                        18

xxi, Yuppies- business team building                        19

xxii, Internet                                                        19

  1. 0 Conclusion                                                                20

References                                                                                21
Bibliography                                                                        27


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Insight

Aviemore is one of the most visited towns in Scotland situated at the heart of the Scottish Highlands. With the population of 2.397  Aviemore is almost the largest town is the Cairngorm National Park.  The town became a tourist attraction first in 1960 when John Poulson started to design and develop the area around the Cairngorm Mountains. Although the developments were high in costs, ...

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