Critical review on Accounting for varieties of capitalism: The case against a single set of global accounting standards

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1. Introduction

World leaders in have urged that the international accounting standards need to be improved. After that, the G20 called key accounting standards makers, namely IASV and FASB, to create a single set of global accounting standards with high quality, with the belief that the global convergence of accounting standards “contributes to the free flow of global investment and achieves substantial benefits for all capital markets stakeholders” (PWC, 2007, p. 1). However, business environment in different types of capitalism are distinguished, one set of standards may be not able to be useful to both kinds of countries. Walker (2010) argued that the institutional characteristics of the political and economic system probably determine the optimal design of accounting standards, thus he thought this call is unwise and highly questionable. He also highlighted the imperative of variety of capitalism, especially after going through the global financial crunch caused by sub-prime crisis. This paper aims to explore whether a single set of global accounting standards is a wise determination by IASB/FASB, and critically assess the arguments of Walker. It will begin with analyzing intrinsic illogic of conceptual framework, and then examines the correlations between varieties of capitalism and setting of accounting standards. In the final section, summary about this essay will be provided. Generally, we agree with the arguments of Walker, and we also point out several limitations on his study.

2. The intrinsic illogic of conceptual framework

2.1 Imperfection of market with uncertainty

The importance of perfect and complete markets for accounting was first assumed by Beaver and Demski (Walker, 2010, p. 141). They concluded that the motivation of financial reporting is to improve resource allocation rather than the measurement of income; and fundamental measurement arguments cannot determine the income or asset rule options, which should be determined by investors’ preference. Since the conceptual framework established by IASB/FASB aim to fulfill the capital market investors’ demands, another set of accounting standards is needed when the conceptual framework is not suitable to the market.

To settle the imperfect market, Walker suggested one solution, which is to enhance welfare by an improved information environment through three ways, which has been shown by research on the economics of uncertainty, which are enhancing forecasts to improve economic choices ex ante; greater opportunities of risk sharing to society; and improving information (Walker, 2010, p. 142). Nevertheless, the role of risk sharing information depends on the ability of prediction of analysts. Moreover, the relevant information of producers should be able to pre-commit and should be available to the contracting parties. According to Hope’s (2003, p. 236) document, the accuracy of analysts’ forecasting is associated with disclosure quantity of annual financial reporting positively both in the US and elsewhere. Improvement of information environment although can enhance welfare, it needs the operation of firms and institutions.

2.2 The nature of the firm

Walker (2010) discussed the nature of the firm, revealed three features of the modern firm, including the general contracting role, competition with other firms and owning a unique quasi-price system, and established another solution to imperfect market, that is replacement the market by firm.

According to Garrouste and Saussier (2005, p. 180), firm refers to a place which is coordinated by the price mechanism. Coase (1937) stated that the existence of the firm is because of the cost of using the price mechanism’, which also called transaction costs, due to the imperfection of market. More precisely, if there are no transaction costs, the product price will be the addition of each part’s price of the production. However, in the real world, there will be a cost on the production contract. Through utilizing their internal implicit quasi-price system to replace market price, firms are used to substitute the imperfect market, and then coordinate and manage the economic activities in the non-existing of the market. From this angle, the relevance and reliability of fair value accounting measures, which largely based market price, are needed to be reconsidered.

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In line with Ball (1989), in order to gain comparative advantage, firms need to keep commercial secrecy for information on internal affairs, especially internal contracting technologies, from competitors and other third parties. By contrast, the stock market requires the external investors to be well informed by firms for valuing the firms based on the nature of capitalism. To balance this dilemma, managers will provide summary indicators.

Furthermore, according to agency theory, there is interest conflict between the agent and the principal. Hence, a stewardship problem exit between managers and investors, which the investors attempt to acquire more information ...

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