Examining the Importance of Income and Cross Elasticities of Demand to Business Decision Making

For the purpose of Business Decision making, firms are interested in the responsiveness of demand to determinants such as the relationship between consumers’ income and the prices of substitutes and complimentary goods in comparison to their own products. If for example a firm is considering changing the price of a particular good, it is essential that the effect of the price change on the quantity demanded is assessed. There are many economic tools to measure this relationship, two of which will be the topic of discussion.

The Income Elasticity of Demand ()

Income Elasticity of demand is defined as the responsiveness of demand to a change in consumers’ income (Y).

The basic formula for calculating the coefficient of income elasticity is:

        Percentage change in quantity demanded of good X


Percentage change in real consumers' income

Normal Goods

Normal goods have a positive income elasticity of demand so as income rise more is demanded at each price level. A distinction is made between normal necessities and normal luxuries (both have a positive coefficient of income elasticity).

Necessities have an income elasticity of demand of between 0 and +1. Demand rises with income, but less than proportionately. Often this is because there is a limited need to consume additional quantities of necessary goods as real living standards rise. Examples of this would be the demand for fresh vegetables, toothpaste and newspapers. Demand is not very sensitive at all to fluctuations in income in this sense, total market demand is relatively stable following changes in the wider economic (business) cycle.

Luxuries are said to have an income elasticity of demand > +1. (Demand rises more than proportionate to a change in income). Luxuries are items consumers can (and often do) manage to do without during periods of below average income and falling consumer confidence (slumps). When incomes are rising strongly and consumers have the confidence to purchase expensive items, so the demand for luxury goods will grow. Conversely in a recession or economic slowdown, these items of discretionary spending might be the first victims of decisions by consumers to restrain their spending and rebuild savings and household financial balance sheets.

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Many luxury goods are also referred to as “positional goods”. These are products where the consumer derives satisfaction (and utility) not just from consuming the good or service itself, but also from being seen to be a consumer by others (i.e. as a status symbol).

Inferior Goods
Inferior goods have a negative income elasticity of demand. Demand falls as income rises. In a recession the demand for inferior products might actually grow (depending on the severity of any change in income and also the absolute co-efficient of income elasticity of demand). For example imagine that the income elasticity of ...

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