Data Analysis for Business Decision Making Problem Questions

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Data Analysis for Business Decision Making


Task 1


Calculate the contribution per unit (profit margin) for each computer peripheral device. Show your calculations clearly and explain your answer in the context of the problem.


Develop a linear programming model which allows Northern Hi-Tec E. Ltd to determine how many computer peripheral devices should be produced to maximize profits assuming that all peripheral devices can be sold. The model formulations follow as below:

Definition of the decision variables

IM- Number of Internal Modem

EM- Number of External Modem

CB- Number of Circuit Board

CD- Number of CD Drive

HDD- Number of Hard Disk Drive

MB- Number of Memory Band 

Identification and formulation of the objective function

Aim of Northern Hi-Tec Electronics Limited is to maximise profits.

Max Profit: 156.82IM+156.10EM+250.867CB+167.90CD+290.783HDD+274.2167MB

Identification and formulation of the constraints

Subjected to constraints:

Test Device 1- 2IM+3EM+5CB+6CD+4HDD+8MB≤150

Test Device 2- IM+5EM+3CB+2CD+5HDD+5MB≤130

Test Device 3- 5IM+2EM+3CB+3CD+3HDD+2MB≤110

Test Device 4- 3IM+4EM+2CB+1CD+2HDD+3MB≤102

Non-Negativity Constraints:

TD1≤0, TD2≤0, TD3≤0, TD4≤0


Solve the model you developed in part (b) using excel’s solver. Clearly state the value of the objective function and the optimal solution in the context of a problem.

The value of the objective function is:

Final value- Blank

Number of device IM –         157*168= 26376

Number of device EM –         156*0= 0

Number of device CB –         251*984= 246984

Number of device CD –         168*0= 0

Number of device HDD –         291*936= 272376

Number of device MB –         274*0= 0

26376+0+246984+0+272376+0= 545736

The optimal solution:

Number of device IM –        168

Number of device EM –        0        

Number of device CB –         984

Number of device CD –         0

Number of device HDD –         936

Number of device MB –         0


Identify which of the constraint(s) are binding and which are not binding. How much slack (surplus) do the not-binding constraint(s) have? Be specific and give your answer in the context of the problem.

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The constraints which are binding are: Test Device1, Test Device2 and Test Device3 with all slack of ‘0’. The only constraint which is not-binding is Test Device4 of a slack of ‘1776’.  


If a reduction of £10 was made to the profit margin of ‘Internal Modem’. How would the optimal solution and the value of the objective function change? Be specific and give your answer in the context of the problem.

Looking at the sensitivity report the optimal solution will not change as Northern Hi-Tech Electronics Ltd can change the profit by ...

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