Define and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the going concern, accruals and prudence concepts which apply to the preparation of financial statements, explaining the reasons why the concepts may be difficult to apply or may be inconsistent

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Define and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the going concern, accruals and prudence concepts which apply to the preparation of financial statements, explaining the reasons why the concepts may be difficult to apply or may be inconsistent with each other.

Going concern concept is based on the assumption that the business will continue to operate in the foreseeable future unless there is reason to believe that it will cease to exist (Collin Rickwood and Andrew Thomas 1992:p81).Assets will therefore be valued and shown in the balance sheet at historic cost because they will generate future income for the business.

The going concern concept provides the foundation for balance sheet preparation and periodic income measurement (Pyle and White, 6th Edition p 564). This concept allows a business to draw a distinction between current and non- current assets. Non-current assets will be shown at cost applicable to future periods which take into account accumulated depreciation. Going concern allows performance to then be measured compared over different periods and this aids decision making and planning for management and other stakeholders.

On the other hand, when a business is faced with liquidation, going concern accounting is not applicable and assets will be valued at a cessation basis that is the current market selling price. Going concern concept is only useful when the business is going to continue operating because assets can actually be worth a lot less if sold, and this does not reflect a fairer view of the business’ assets at hand. This concept may be difficult to apply because sometimes the future is unpredictable and there could be factors that might stop the business being a going concern that are not foreseeable. For example natural disasters can affect the business as a going concern.

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The accruals concept states that revenues and costs should be recognised as they are earned or incurred irrespective of the period of receipt or payment. (Tony Davies and Tony Boczko 2005:p8)

 In other words appropriate costs should be matched with appropriate revenues. This allows profits for an accounting period to be calculated without the need to wait for debtors to actually pay or to receive invoices from suppliers. This aids creation of financial statements (in time for publishing for companies) which are a legal requirement .Tax can then be charged appropriately and this avoids the tax man over charging or ...

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