1. Summarize the key message of this article.

Christopher Wood, a broker of CLSA, argued that inflation which was caused by rising domestic demand would make a positive effect on Japan’s economy. The last economic recovery depended on exports. However, now, the inflation would make Japan’s economy recover. The reason that is the inflation was not only caused by higher prices for oil and food, but also caused by high domestic demand.

However, there were some contrary voices. John Richards, from the Royal Bank of Scotland in Tokyo, stated that higher prices of food and energy were the main causes of the inflation which happened in Japan. He argued that higher prices of food and energy not only rising the cost of exports but also rising the cost of domestic operation and living which meant reducing companies’ profit margins and workers’ real income. There were evidences to prove that company profits were falling and consumers are reducing extra spending.  

The inflation may be not good for Japan’s economy. But every coin has two faces. It also may be not bad. Now the interest rate was only 0.5%. It has fallen a lot since 1990s. No interest or low interest rates savings seem to be good investments in deflation years. There still were 51% of Japanese households’ financial assets which were invested in this way. However, because of inflation, the real interest rates were negative. It would change Japanese investing behaviour to invest in other investments such as shares and property.

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Inflation would take some form such as external shock to change Japanese group behaviour. It had already happened which to prevent rising interest rate. However, low interest rate meant that companies can get cheap credit to keep going. There was no pressure for them to make higher profit and reform.

2. Use macroeconomic theory to explain the cause of deflation in Japan. Do you think deflation is good for an economy? Explain.

Deflation usually is defined as falling average prices. According to macroeconomic theory, it should be considered that changing the money supply can affect prices because of changing overall ...

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