Executive Summary

 “Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:12

        The strategic vision is the heart of an organization. The strategic vision gives focus, meaning, direction and power to everyone within in the organization. The strategic vision tells the members of the organization “where we are going” The strategic vision gives life to the organization as the members walk in the vision. Without a strategic vision there is no direction, no purpose, no motivation and the members within the organization perishes and dies because the welfare of the organization becomes unfocused. The strategic vision provides a glimpse of possibilities and it is the capacity to look beyond the moment into the vast potential of tomorrow. It evokes deeper meaning and deeper commitment than the goals.

When developing a strategic vision, it should begin with the questions, “Where are we trying to go and how do we see the organization in the future?” Answering these questions is the guideline for evaluating what is important; it gathers and incorporates information about the present and anticipates the environment in which the organization will be working in the future. The development of the strategic vision must also include three elements:

  • Creation of the mission statement: The mission statement tells “who we are” and “what we do. The mission statement is the purpose and why the organization exists.  It summarizes what the organization does.
  • Charting a strategic path: A strategy that will lead to achieving the vision.  The strategy must be consistent with the organization’s values, the mission statement and the goals that the organization has set.
  • Communicating the vision to the members of the organization and the public: The key to gaining widespread commitment to the strategic vision, is to present the vision in such a way that the members will want to participate and freely choose to do so.  

Every organization must have an end to which they are headed.  To be an effective organization there must be a strategic vision.  The strategic vision helps to guide the decisions of the organization and determine their strategy. The strategic vision is a guide and concept that articulates what the organization wants to be in the future and in a language that assumes that the organization is already there.



I.        THE STRATEGIC VISION        

What is a Strategic Vision?        

Characteristics of the Strategic Vision        

Sample Strategic Vision-Avon Products, Inc.        


Characteristics of a Mission Statement        

Sample Mission Statement- TAMUT        



Displaying the Strategic Vision        

V.        CONCLUSION        

VI.        ENDNOTES        



        Strategic planning is providing direction and meaning to the every day activities of an organization. Strategic planning is used to help an organization focus its energy and to ensure that members of the organization are working toward the same goals. In today’s global environment, strategic thinking and planning are required skills for every member in the organization. The process is strategic because it involves preparing the best way to respond to the circumstances of the organization’s environment.  Being strategic means understanding the organization’s objectives, being aware of the resources and incorporating them both into a dynamic environment.

Developing a strategy is a guide that provides the framework for managing effectively and creatively. The first step in strategic planning involves the process visioning; the process of developing a strategic vision statement for an organization. Visioning requires creativity. Visioning is the process by which an organization envisions the future it wants.  It brings the members of the organization together to develop a shared image of where they want their organization to be in the future. Once the organization has envisioned where it wants to be, it can begin to work toward its goals.

What is a Strategic Vision?

        The strategic vision is the formal expression of the visioning. A strategic vision reflects management’s aspirations for the organization, providing a view of where the organization is going. It spells out a direction and describes the destination. It allows the members of the organization to see the organization in the future. The members of the organization must have a picture in their mind of what success will look like. It portrays in words what the organization seeks to become; how the organization will function and how the organization will look.  

Visioning is the starting point of the strategic action plan that helps the organization to achieve its vision over time. The strategic vision is a guide and concept that articulates what the organization wants to be in the future and in a language that assumes that the organization is already there. It keeps the organization moving in the right direction and it is the glue that binds the organization and members together. To have a strategic vision, means the organization has a mental picture of going in a specific direction.  It inspires its members to act, to sacrifice, to achieve and to take the organization to deeper depths and higher heights. Every effective and successful organization has a clear and inspirational vision.  The success grows out of the strategic vision.  It is the strategic vision that sets the limits.  All organizations have goals and objectives to achieve, but the strategic vision helps illuminate the core values and principles that will guide the organization in the future. It provides a glimpse of possibilities.  It evokes deeper meaning and deeper commitment than the goals. The strategic vision is intended to help the members of the organization think differently about themselves and their future.

        When an organization does not have a strategic vision of where it wants to go then it does not matter how it gets there.  The members must see a destination in their minds before they can begin. The members of the organization must know, understand and affirm the strategic vision.  The strategic vision gives focus, meaning, direction and power to everyone within in the organization. The strategic vision gives life to the organization as the members walk in the vision. Without a strategic vision there is no direction, no purpose, no motivation and the members within the organization perishes and dies because the welfare of the organization becomes unfocused. Where there is no vision the people perish.” The organization struggles from one predicament to the next without an understanding of the overall goals, general strategies and objectives.

        The strategic vision is the heart of the organization.  It is the image of success.  It is the motivator that charts the organization’s future. It energizes the members to achieve a common goal by pointing the way to the future. The strategic vision empowers all the members within the organization to work together.  When the vision is lived by the members within the organization, it makes the members accountable to the customers and serves as a guiding principle.  Even if the organization’s objectives vanish, the members of the organization still have a desire to affiliate with the organization because of the principles associated with the strategic vision.  Organizations with a clear, concise strategic vision is focused and successful. The members of the organization have high moral.  A compelling strategic vision that connects with what the members care about is a powerful ingredient. Organizations without a strategic vision are unfocused and unsuccessful. The members of the organization are plagued with problems and the moral is low or non-existence.

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Characteristics of the Strategic Vision

The strategic vision should begin with the questions, “Where are we trying to go, and how do we see the organization three to five years from now?” Answering these questions is the guideline for evaluating what is important, it gathers and incorporates information about the present and anticipates the environment in which the organization will be working in the future.  When developing a strategic vision, it should:

  • Inspire the members.
  • Draw on the beliefs and environment of the organization.
  • Serve as a powerful motivator.
  • Energize the members.
  • Does not assume that ...

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