Does OPEC have a monopoly in the supply of oil?

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Does OPEC have a monopoly in the supply of oil?

Q1. Is OPEC a monopoly or an example of a collusive oligopoly? Justify your answer

OPEC can be described as an oligopoly for several reasons. It fits with the condition of being dominated by more than two large firms; in this case it's eleven. It also practices price rigidity as they agree on both level of output and therefore the price of oil is influenced by the agreement of a certain supply. The goods they provide are also homogenous. In oligopolies firms also don't choose to maximise profits, and this can be clearly shown in the OPEC case as they aim was to "secure fair and stable prices for producers, and ensure an efficient and regular supply of oil". There is also barriers to entry which is described in the case study which states that the oil industry has "high fixed costs and risk" associated with it, this Is another characteristic of an oligopoly.

It can be argued however, that it is also a monopoly. This is due to the fact that OPEC has 60% of control over the oil that it traded internationally. Usually, a monopoly is classified as anything which has a market share of over 25%, OPEC has almost triple that which suggests it may be a monopoly. However, due to the fact it doesn't price discriminate and aims to "secure fair and stable prices for producers, and ensure an efficient and regular supply of oil", suggests it can't be a monopoly. Also, the fact that a cartel is made and decisions are made on the level of output clearly suggests that OPEC doesn't have total price control.
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So, in conclusion OPEC is an oligopoly as it fulfils most of the conditions which classify an oligopoly.

Q2. Explain the economic logic behind OPEC's decision to reduce output.

Due to the price elasticity of demand being relatively low for oil, it means that OPEC has a product which is relatively inelastic. This is due to the fact that it has no close substitutes and if fairly necessary for many countries day to day running. This means by restricting the supply, they won't affect demand too greatly due to the fact that the product ...

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