Electric skateboard survey on the UCI campus

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Patricia Rico

ACP Marketing Group B
UCI Extension



ZBoard is the world's first, weight-sensing electric skateboard. It is faster and easier to ride than a regular skateboard and is more cool, fun and portable than a bike.  The demand of ZBoards is increasing fast.  Retails stores and rental equipment businesses are showing more interest to carry ZBoards.  The main target for Zboard is young people between 15-25 years old.  However, Zboard’s price ($ 649 - $949) could be expensive for the majority of this segment composed by students. Due to this interesting niche, the company wants to study the possibility to launch a Zboard rental service for California Universities.

UCI’s reputation as a leader University for promoting new alternatives of sustainable transportation would be an excellent test market for this service.   The main objective of this project is to determine if there is a market opportunity for ZBoard rentals in UCI for students and staff/employees who live near/in the campus where everything is too far to walk and too short to drive.

In order to reach this business objective, I have gathered primary data about the Zboard company and secondary data about the Skateboard Industry, UCI’s population size, their current methods of alternative transportation and Zotwheels (UCI Bike rental service) information. I will use a quantitative method on my research by conducting an email survey to know in-deph information about UCI’s population transportation behavior patterns and their attitude towards electric skateboards and ZBoard rentals in UCI. The survey will be sponsored by the UCI Sustainable Transportation Department to guarantee the highest and fastest response at a minimum coast.

The sample size would be 381 participants. They will be selected by quota sampling method: 200 students (100 undergraduate and 100 graduate) and 200 staff/employees (100 Administrative and 100 Academic).

I will analyze the data and submit the report to Zboard Directors to make the most suitable business decision.

The total coast of this research would be $3000 and it would take 8 weeks to finish.


The ZBoard is the world's first, weight-sensing electric skateboard. Simply lean forward to go (up to a top speed of 17mph) and lean back to stop (kicking in regenerative braking).  It is a brand new product developed in Hermosa Beach California by the startup company Intuitive Motion Inc., and designed by mechanical engineers with a passion for skateboarding, snowboarding, and surfing; looking for a new innovative device to commute faster and easier to ride than skateboard and more fun and portable than a bike.

Join now!

ZBoard has developed great audience, reviews and reception from the public, from boarders fans through hi-tech enthusiasts, in both the domestic and international markets. Their orders and demand of ZBoards is increasing fast. Retails stores and rental equipment businesses are showing more interest to have ZBoards on their show rooms and shelves displays.



According to the Board-Track ‘s Specialty Retail Report 2009, Skateboard hard goods are one of the most important categories to specialty sports retailers business. The highest percentage of skateboard’s users is between 12-35 years old.  However, Zboard’s price ($ 649 - $949) ...

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