Employee satisfaction have always been important issues for organizations.

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Employee satisfaction have always been important issues for organizations. Employees are viewed as the greatest strengths and resources of an organization. An organisation’s success solely depends on the employees. They cannot be deprived of what they deserve in return of their commitment to the company. It is very vital that the workers of an organization derive good amount of job satisfaction. Very few organizations) have made job satisfaction a top priority, perhaps because they have failed to understand the significant opportunity that lies in front of them. Many organizations fail to understand the basic meaning of job satisfaction. So what really is the meaning of this term which every employee wants to experience? “Job satisfaction is more of an attitude , an internal state. It could for, e.g. be associated with a personal feeling of achievement, either quantative or qualitavie” Mullins (1999).  What do people mean when they claim to be satisfied with their job? Here they are expressing their inner feeling about their job rather than their thoughts about it.  Job Satisfaction is the key ingredient that leads to rewards of recognition, income, promotion, and other goals that provide you with the ongoing sense of fulfillment.

Job satisfaction is a key work attitude. An attitude is a predisposition acquired through experience to respond to people to objects or institutions in a positive or negative way. Job satisfaction is a multi-faceted concept that is composed of satisfaction with:

  • the content and the context of the work itself
  • intrinsic and extrinsic rewards
  • fellow workers
  • the quality of the supervision and
  • the opportunities and procedures for career advancement.

Employees may find that the significance of any of these facets changes as work events unfold. In addition it is possible for employees to be satisfied with one facet without being so with others. According to Bavendam Research, employees with higher job satisfaction:

  • believe that the organization will be satisfying in the long run
  • care about the quality of their work
  • are more committed to the organization
  • have higher retention rates, and
  • are more productive.

In the late 1950s, Frederick Herzberg, considered by many to be a pioneer in motivation theory, interviewed a group of employees to find out what made them satisfied and dissatisfied on the job. He asked the employees essentially two sets of questions:

  1. Think of a time when you felt especially good about your job. Why did you feel that way?
  2. Think of a time when you felt especially bad about your job. Why did you feel that way?

From these interviews Herzberg went on to develop his theory that there are two dimensions to job satisfaction: motivation and "hygiene" (two dimension of employee satisfaction). Hygiene issues, according to Herzberg, cannot motivate employees but can minimize dissatisfaction, if handled properly. In other words, they can only dissatisfy if they are absent or mishandled. Hygiene topics include company policies, supervision, salary, interpersonal relations and working conditions. They are issues related to the employee's environment. Motivators, on the other hand, create satisfaction by fulfilling individuals' needs for meaning and personal growth. They are issues such as achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility and advancement. Once the hygiene areas are addressed, said Herzberg, the motivators will promote job satisfaction and encourage production.

Job satisfaction is not that a very simple concept as it seems. It goes much deeper than what its meaning implicates. The level of job satisfaction is affected by a wide range of variables relating to :

1) Individual Factors- these include gender, age, personality, education, intelligence, marital status, etc. Considering firstly the gender of employee it has been seen that even though women on average are offered lower pay and lower quality of employment, they report similar levels of job satisfaction as men. In fact, in Britain some evidence has been seen that women report significantly higher levels of job satisfaction (Clark et al., 1996). There is also some evidence proving that job characteristics have different impact on men and women. For instance, autonomy seems to be more important for men’s job satisfaction than women’s (Pugliesi, 1995), whereas supportive supervision has more impact on women’s job satisfaction than men’s (Mottaz, 1986). Secondly looking at the age factor a few years back we can see that older workers report higher levels of job satisfaction than younger workers. But recent evidence suggests the relationship is U shaped (e.g. Birdi et al., 1995; Clark et al., 1996). Very young workers have said to report higher levels of job satisfaction than those in late twenties. Even pay and prospects are affected by the age and this shows that this factor has different implication on job satisfaction.

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     A person’s own personality has quite a strong impact on his/her job satisfaction. High positive affect is marked by feelings of excitement and enthusiasm while high negative affect is marked by feeling of fear, sadness, guilt and anger. Neuroticism and extroversion provide the psychological context in which people experience their work. And therefore strong relations exist between measures of Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA) and job satisfaction.  Likewise there is quite a strong relation between the marital status of the worker and job satisfaction. If he is married he feels the need to be more ...

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