
“Monetary policy is concerned with actions taken by central banks to influence the availability and cost of money and credit by controlling some measure(s) of the money supply and/or the level and structure of interest rates"

In this essay I will concentrate on how the Federal Reserve implements their monetary policy.

The Feds’ monetary policy affects, growth, prices and employment by influencing the availability of money and interest rates.

The availability of money and interest rates affects the way consumers and businesses consume goods and services.

The Fed has four monetary policy tools to influence interest rates. They are Open Market Operations, Discount rate, reserve requirements and Term Auction Facility.

The Federal open market committee (FOMC) sets the Feds monetary policy, which is carried out through the trading desk of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The FOMC is made up of 7 members of the Board of Governors and 5 reserve bank presidents.

The target federal funds rate is the FOMC’s primary policy instrument. The Federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depositing institutions lend balances at the Federal Reserve to other depository institutions overnight. The rate is determined by the market and not the Fed.

Borrowing from the Fed is unsecured so funds are only lent to creditworthy banks. It targets an interest rate at the same time wants to allow the inter-bank lending market to succeed. The federal fund rate is manipulated through the control of reserves.

Open market operation is an important monetary policy tool, as it is the primary determinants of changes in interest rates and the monetary base and is the most often used tool by the Fed. If the FOMC decides that more money and credit should be available, it directs the trading desk in New York to buy securities from the open market.

The Fed pays for these securities by crediting the reserve accounts of banks involved with the sale. With more money in these reserve accounts, banks have more money to lend, interest rates may fall, and consumer and business spending may increase, encouraging economic expansion.

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If, however, there is a money shortage then the Fed has the option to use an instrument to inject money into the economy by using a repurchase agreement. (Repo). This is a short term, often a few days, loan made out by the bank that is secured. A Repo is the exchange of a security for reserves with the agreement to reverse the transaction in the future. On the day of the transaction, the Fed deposits money in a primary dealer’s reserve account, and receives the promised securities as collateral. When the transaction matures, the Fed returns the collateral and ...

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