Explain what you understand by the term 'substance over form'. Is it appropriate that this concept should be used as a guide in setting accounting standards?

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Explain what you understand by the term ‘substance over form’. Is it appropriate that this concept should be used as a guide in setting accounting standards?


The overriding requirement of a company’s financial statements is that they should present a true and fair view, and represent faithfully the underlying transactions and other events that have occurred. To achieve this, transactions are required to be accounted for in terms of their ‘substance’ or commercial reality rather than their legal form. This principle is introduced in the Accounting Standard Board ‘Statement of Principle for Financial Reporting’, and also in many standards, in particular Financial Reporting Standard No. 5 (FRS 5), "Reporting the Substance of Transactions" and SSAP 21 ‘Accounting for Leases and Hire Purchase Contracts’.

To understand the term ‘substance over form’ (henceforth SOF) properly, this essay firstly describes briefly what is mean by the ‘substance’ of a transaction and how to determine ‘substance’. It secondly explains the importance of SOF. This point is illustrated by analysing an example of the treatment of ‘consignment stock’ and MicroStrategy case. Thirdly, it discusses some debates over the ‘SOF’ methodology, and argues it would not be enforced as a standard but used to develop individual and specific standards to deal with particular areas. Finally, it concludes this essay.

Part 1 The Substance of the Transaction

‘Substance’ can be viewed as the ‘reality’ or commercial substance of a transaction or an event, whereas ‘Form’ can be viewed as the strict ‘legal’ interpretation of a transaction of event. Hence, SOF essentially means that it is more important to report in financial statements the economic substance or reality, rather than the legal form. i.e. if there is conflict between the substance of a transaction and the legal form of a transaction, the economic substance should take precedence over legal form.

The substance of transactions should be recorded in financial statements. According to the references of FRS 5, a key factor in determining the substance of a transaction is to identify whether it changes the existing assets and liabilities of the company either by creating new ones or altering the existing ones. This process requires the consideration of both the legal form and the economic substance of the transaction. The approach to determining the most appropriate treatment is to answer some questions such as, what is the detail of the transaction in the question? What is the legal position? What accounting treatment follows the legal position?

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Part 2 The Importance of SOF

Most transactions of most companies are simple and straightforward. They can be assessed easily by the accounting standards, because they naturally coincide with the legal form of the transactions.  For example, if an item of stock is sold for cash or on debit the impact on the company’s assets and liabilities can easily be assessed.

However, occasionally a company may have a more complex transaction whose substance may not be apparent. The legal form may not appropriately represent the true economic effects of such a transaction. Under this circumstance, the exterior ...

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