For the UK, and Scotland in particular, foreign investment has become an essential source of production, employment and income in both manufacturing and service sectors.

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For the UK, and Scotland in particular, foreign investment has become an essential source of production, employment and income in both manufacturing and service sectors.  It is no exaggeration that for some regions, inward investment flows have been significant in reversing relative economic decline and contributing renewed hope for increasing employment and living standards in depressed areas.  It has created new employment and protected “at risk” jobs.  Many of the new jobs have been full-time, offering above average levels of pay. The third benefit focuses on the supply-side of the regional economy. There is evidence that foreign investment boosts average productivity – especially when new plants are capital-intensive, using the latest technology and effective management techniques and labour practices.  Also, factors such as this one above affect whom the voting public vote for in general elections.  If there are no improvements in employment the public soon lose confidence and want a change of leader.  The Government also pay out heavily to local people who cant gain employment, thus they are losing millions of pounds in benefit cash and where there are high unemployment levels, there are also high crime levels as people soon turn to crime to help pay for their next meal or rent.  This affects the social area in which people live in.

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Companies like Chunghwa came to Scotland in the mid 1990s, creating several hundred jobs and promising many more.  Chunghwa was a flagship inward investment project and, in the days of government grants, cash incentives wooed the firm to Scotland.  Inward Investment grants are often paid in stages, with each stage being triggered if a company takes on more staff.  In particular, Scottish utilities have played a major role in helping to attract inward investment to Scotland. There is no doubt that the quality of infrastructure on offer to foreign companies is a major factor in deciding ...

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