Forecasting and cash flow - Budget analysis.

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Gabdullina Kamshat


 A forecasts helps to prepare for possible situations that you might have to face, whether it is greater profits, or the need for a increased overdraft. By facing situation whilist preparing a budget and considering ways you might deal with the problem you will 90% of the way to handling it when it actually happens. It is also worth considering more than one forecast. By having optimistic, likely and pessimistic forecasts you can prepare yourself for different possible outcomes.

Components of forecasts:

  • capital budget
  • trading forecasts
  • cash flow forecasts


Budget analysis

Analyzing budgets gives the chance to deal with potential problems before they occur.

It is essential to set realistic budgets based on previous sales history, but equally important to stay in charge of changing circumstances. Forecasting software lets you see the potential effects on all parts of your business when the unexpected occurs, so you can act in advance to minimize threats and maximize opportunities. People tend to use budgets to look at future profit performance but it is also essential to budget - a balance sheet that includes information on debtors, creditors and cash flow.

A Cash budget project is a future cash position month by month. If overdraft is projected to be close to or over limit, you need to take appropriate action. If you cannot, you may need to increase prices or ration sales to avoid the risk of bankruptcy through over trading. If cash position is extremely variable, you may need to analyse your cash flow into shorter time periods to see whether there is likely to be a problem at any point during a month.

B Profit and loss budgets let to analyse projected margins and other key ratios. If margins are unsatisfactory, you may need to increase prices, reduce costs or focus on your most profitable lines. Growing businesses that are not yet profitable may find it useful to calculate the breakeven level of turnover.

C Projected balance sheet allows you to analyze stock turnover and other key figures. If working capital is growing faster than sales, you need to control it. Check how easily you can meet your financing payments.

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D Compare projected figures with previous years to see where performance is improving or deteriorating. Also compare figures for projected margins and growth with those of other companies, or across different parts of business.

E Sensitivity analyses help to see how different outcomes affect performance

Profit and Loss Forecast

  • Complete the spreadsheet with estimated sales by month. Allow for seasonality and a build up of sales (related to marketing promotions) from start-up.
  • On the basis of operating plan (volume of production/service, purchasing plan etc) , having identified direct variable costs - completed budgeted direct costs. ...

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