Has The Concentration Of Media Ownership Led To A Decrease Or Expansion In Media Diversity?

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Has The Concentration Of Media Ownership Led To A Decrease Or Expansion In Media Diversity?

Ownership and control in the media are highly important defining issues. The media are relied upon in democratic societies for the protection and promotion of human rights and democracy.  Diversity of the media, accurate and honest reporting of the news is considered to be vital for guaranteeing diversity in public opinion, adequate political representation, and a person's participation in society.  A broad media is seen to meet the demands of democracy by providing people with a wide range of information and opinions; to reduce the possibility of conflict by increasing understanding between conflicting groups or interests; to contribute to overall cultural variety and to allow social and cultural change.  Concentrated media ownership is widely considered to have a detrimental effect on opinion.  

The wide consensus on the view that media ownership is dangerous for democratic representation is reflected in many legislative documents.  The 1982 declaration on the freedom of expression and information states the importance of an "existence of a wide range of independent media, permitting the reflection of diversity of ideas and opinions".

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This concentrated ownership can occur in a number of different ways and for different reasons; through mergers, acquisitions and take-overs.

Presently 'traditional media' (i.e. terrestrial TV, publishing, radio) is being joined by forms of media resulting from new technologies from the telecommunications field (cable, satellite, Internet etc.).  A process of market convergence is underway as broadcasting, print media and communications media combine through these mergers, acquisitions and alliances.

As more alliances form between these different forms of media (i.e. BBC online, the Q music channel etc.), it could become quite easy for a party who had ownership ...

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