How can the business sector be encouraged to become more environmentally responsible to their customers and stakeholders?

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POPP 3404


How can the business sector be encouraged to become more environmentally responsible to their customers and stakeholders?

Alessandro Zucchelli


Tutor:  Mark Roberts

Tutorial: Friday 12.00- 1.00 PM

Word Count : 2116


In this era of continuous challenges faced by Planet earth Globally from pollution (whether it be air, ocean or noise), climate change and scarcity of natural resources, a Global awareness and focus on sustainability has been in rapid increase partly due to an increased environmental awareness, consumer demands, Legislation, Economic controls (carbon taxes & Government subsidies towards Green technologies)  and the ever increasing phenomenon of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Recent Natural disasters, rising prices and sensibility campaigns are among other factors contributing to our ever increasing interest for Nature and the Health of our Planet.

 It could be argued that the industrial revolution of the 19th Century which helped to shape the world Economy consolidated the power of Capitalism in the western world and created Britain’s middle class creating wealth and wellbeing and improved social conditions (housing and improved health) for millions of people, also sadly impacted negatively and significantly the wellbeing of our planet. Fossil fuels (in particular coal) were used to fuel the Industrial Revolution, natural resources began to be used (and in some cases wasted) for the sake of wealth creation (which is among the main Principles of Capitalism).

This Paper seeks to investigate and discuss ways to encourage businesses to be more environmentally friendly towards customers and stakeholders ultimately bringing benefits to the society, planet Earth and to the businesses themselves by being more efficient by reducing waste, recycling and using renewable sources. The essay will start by looking at the industrial revolution, it will then briefly discuss how our world revolves around Businesses, this section will be followed by a subsection which will highlights the possible ways to encourage Businesses to be more environmentally friendly and the final section prior to the conclusion will brief some benefits achievable through sustainable business practises the conclusion will

From Industrial Revolution to Sustainable development

Undoubtedly the Industrial Revolution has been a significant turning point in the relationship between Human beings and the Ecology, this process which Started in the 1700’s in Britain and reached the rest of the world in the 1800’s drastically changed the production processes. Human labour was replaced with machinery and fossil fuels where used instead of water, wind and wood. Although the Industrialisation of the world brought enormous improvement to the economy and society, it also significantly gave a first wound to our planet’s health. The use of Natural resources has been ever since in constant increase to a point that we are now discussing about the scarcity of certain resources and the harm of using other resources like fossil fuels which not only will finish one day but most importantly pollute our planet by creating carbon emissions. The effects of the Industrialisation process where first brought to the General public by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring which discussed the effects the Industrial evolution brought to the Human existence and prompted the need for a change towards a more Sustainable production and development which involves the clever use and mix of social, economic and environmental policies to create a better present and future. Among other significant debates was the Bruntland Commission Report (1987).

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A lot has been done since then and without a doubt society’s thoughts and reflections have been shaped towards a more sensible and Sustainable development  as we now take into account the fact that what we do today should not damage the wellbeing of generations to come. Significant steps have been made by Government across the whole world that now include sustainability into policies and planning, local and worldwide sensibility campaigns in favour of environmental conservation are increasing and Businesses are embracing sustainable business practices to their management and production process. There is solid evidence about the fact that our ...

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