Human Resource Management - HRM approaches, HR Planning, Job Evaluation, Reward Management system and organization exit strategies.

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Human Resource Management                Individual Assignment

Human Resource Management                Individual Assignment

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This documentation has been prepares to present the study of Human Resource Management subject criteria and critical analyzing on HRM approaches, HR Planning, Job Evaluation, Reward Management system and organization exit strategies.

In elaborating on its tasks,

Task one comply of an investigation on traditional view personal management and the new approach of human resource management. Furthermore, it has distinguished between personal management and human resource management and its historical development. And, the roles of human resource practitioner have been assessed evaluating its responsibilities and activities.

In task two, an evaluation of the procedures and practices used for recruiting and selecting suitable employees is done. This evaluation consists of an analysis of human resource planning, the information required and the stages involved in the process. And the recruitment and selection procedures are being proposed to the given hypothetical company where it has justified why interviews are better preferred than other selection techniques.

Task three establishes the effectiveness of principles and procedures for monitoring and rewinding the employee in a selected company. The establishment includes an evaluation of the process of job evaluation and the main factors determining pay where as the reward management system has been explained with its linkage with motivation. Also, a critical evaluation of Imperial Teas’ performance evaluation procedures has been identified and explained.

Finally, task four consists of exploring rights and procedures on exit from an organization. It evaluates exit procedures available in the selected company and analyzed selection criteria for redundancy while identifying its benefits and losses gained by the organization.

Task 01:        Personal Management & Human Resource Management

1.1        Personal Management

1.1.1        Definition

Personal Management is the traditional term used in managing the workforce in organizations with regard to staffing, payroll, contractual obligations and other administrative tasks. Personal management is concerned managing the workforce instead of the human resource. Personal management had a more administrative nature where the personal manager is responsible in ensuring that the needs of its work force is being watched and satisfied. Personal management is tuned in between the management and the employees where it was not much concerned about management objectives.

1.1.2        Importance of Personal Management

  • To be competitive

One of the main desires of any organization is to be a very competitive model in which ever the market they are serving. Therefore, personal management is an effective tool to train its workforce up to date by keeping the workforce updated about the latest industrial technology and quick tips in change management.

  • Employee retention

Any organization focuses on retaining its efficient employees for the longest period in return to achieving its objectives. Hence personal management is in touch with its work force throughout its service where it revises its retention policies (attractive pay career development programs) which help to retain its employees.

  • Coordinate Team Work

Personal management leads to making a better understanding between the management and employees which encourage the sense of team work which makes the employees understand each others’ responsibilities and respect them.

  • Management Effectiveness

Once the bond between management and employees are created, the sense of belonging where the employees start seeing the organization more familiar than just a working station will be increased. The sense of belonging will drive the workforce to corporate more in achieving organization objectives where the management will not have to worry about employee arguments or turnover. Hence it enhances effective managerial features.

1.1.3        Evolution of Personnel Management

According to  evaluation, a vague nature of personnel management has been adopted in the start of the 19th century. This was called ‘Welfare’ where welfare officers were only women who took care of the female work force as the management thought it is necessary to be supportive in difficult times. As the female workforce increased, responsibilities of welfare officers proportionately increased in to recruitment, training & development.

During the mid of 19th century, companies started merging in enhancing growth where they turned to establish specialized personnel department consisted of hourly worked employees  to maintain different policies and manage the attendance and recruitment of employees in increasing its productivity. Effect of World War raised the importance of having personnel department to enhance the large scale production of armory where the ministry of labor intended to merge welfare officers with the personnel department on fulltime basis.

In mid year 1980, organizations started to employee personnel specialists in performing improved activities in gathering its employees to one character in performing in the organization.

1.2        Human Resource Management (HRM)

1.2.1        Definition

As after effects of the industrial revolution, organizations started to pay more attention towards improving its ‘People’ along with its management objectives in maximizing its ROI (Return on Investment) on its resources. This has led the rival of Human Resource Management (HRM) function which is mainly concerned satisfying managerial objectives while ensuring that the needs and wants of its resources are satisfied. In this way, HRM differentiates from Personnel Management. Treating beyond the administrative tasks performed by Personnel Management, HRM creates a vision how the management would like the resources to contribute to the organization success.

1.2.2        Importance of HRM

HRM is very important in organization especially in public sector organization. There are many issues arising in the public sector organizations which need to resolve and HR managers is th official body who is responsible in resolving these problems.

  • Recruitment

The Foremost and prime HR function in any organization is recruiting the right person and then getting required quality and quantity of work in line with organizational goals which uses various tools and techniques for motivation, appraisal, training, cross cultural management, emerging issues in personnel laws like, sexual harassment & etc.

  • Loyalty

With the help of HRM, loyalty can be developed and maintained within employees.

  • Maintain the fabric of working space

Managing conflicts occurred among its co- workers and settle by bringing equal justice to both parties. Also lately, HRM could look over for the cause of conflict and make arrangements to ensure a potentially conflict- free environment.

One of the main reasons for the rise in corruption pursuit by public sector employees is jealousy towards unusually high wage rates in so called hi-fi and MNC organizations around the globe.

  • Training & Development

Provide training and development to its employees in improving their capacity to work.

  • Job Designing

HRM also has its control over job designing where it look in to the requirements of manpower and design jobs.

  • Employee Relations

HRM is also responsible for maintaining better relationship between employee – employee and management – employee.

  • Managing employee performance

Every organization has their own mechanisms in measuring its employee performance and does the necessary praising/ advising to improve their performance in aid to the organization objectives. This process is a crucial HRM process executed by the HRM department of an organization on different frequencies.

1.2.3        Evolution of Human Resource Management

Industrial welfare was the first form of human resource management (HRM) where the second form of HRM was known as Personnel Management which was in use till the end of world war. Since the year 1980 as post war change, people thought of HRM as a strategy in solving problems with unions as it too work to take care of the employees of organizations by performing different functions.

In year 1990, Japanese organizations in export industries such as automobiles and electronics started to perform at impressive heights which they lately disclosed that the reason behind its success is effective human resource management where the late studies has been able to prove that Japanese industries has been performing far productive than the western firms.

Long lately the 90’s, today in the industrial world, HRM has massive responsibility and power in regulating organizations’ human resource which has become a crucial fact cooperating towards organization goals.

1.3        Human Resource Professional

1.3.1        Human Resource Manager

Human resources managers handle personnel decisions, including hiring, position assignment, training, benefits, and compensation. Their decisions are subject to some oversight, but company executives recognize their experience and skill in assessing personnel and rely heavily on their recommendations. Although physical resources—capital, building, equipment—are important, most companies realize that the quality and quantity of their output is directly related to the quality and commitment of their personnel. Human resources professionals make sure that appropriate matches are made between support staff and producers, between assistants and managers, and between coworkers to enhance productivity, support the company’s business strategy and long-term goals, and provide a satisfying work experience for employees. A human resources professional in a smaller firm is a jack-of-all-trades who is involved in hiring, resource allocation, compensation, benefits, and compliance with laws and regulations affecting employees and the workplace and safety and health issues. This multiplicity of tasks requires individuals with strong organizational skills who can quickly shift from project to project and topic to topic without becoming overwhelmed ” (The Princeton Review, 2012).

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1.3.2        Roles & responsibilities of a Human Resource Manager

According to Lengnick- Hall (2003) & Dave Ulrich, roles of a human resource manager can be clustered as follows.

  • Human Capital Steward

The HR manager has the responsibility in guiding and facilitating the relationship among the employees in order to assist them in achieving the maximum return on capital invested on the company’s human resource.

  • Knowledge Facilitator

Identify knowledge requirements of its employees and facilitate them with relevant knowledge building programs.

  • Relationship Builder

Create and manage the relationship between individuals and groups of the company both internally and externally in ...

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