Human resource planning is the process of analytically reviewing human resource requirements to make certain that the required numbers of employees with the required skills are on hand when and where they are looked-for.

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Executive Summary 

It is appropriate to begin by defining the subject area. HRM describes the range of strategies and processes utilized to attain the competitive advantage by corresponding the needs of the organization with the needs of the employees. One approach to defining the subject is to evaluate the range of specific responsibilities. Human Resource Planning is a part of HRM. Manpower planning or HR planning are synonymous. HR planning is more broad-based. Hereinafter, it’s known as Human Resource Planning or HRP in short.  

Human resource planning is  the  procedure  of  anticipating  and  carrying  out  the  faction  of  people  into,  within,  and  out  of  the  business.  Human  resources  planning  is  done  to  accomplish  the  best possible  use  of  human  resources  and  to  encompass  the  correct number and types of recruits needed to meet organizational goals.

Human resource planning is the process of analytically reviewing human resource requirements to make certain that the required numbers of employees with the required skills are on hand when and where they are looked-for.

The business factors that underpin human resource planning in an organization:

The factors:

The factors have been deliberately simplified a very complex area into a number of key factors:

  1. Gets the fundamentals right
  2. Supports people management
  3. Achieves desired outcome for the business
  4. Has a compelling employee proposition
  5. Aligns and integrates with the business
  6. Proactively leads the people schedule
  7. Creates value, innovates and demonstrates impact.

Each factor has been discussed in below:

Laying the foundations: getting the basics right

At the establishment, an organization seats the need to be proficient and cost effective in service delivery and support to the line. Getting the basics right, both in administration and in core routine processes, is vital to gaining the trust of the organization in HR and to people considering it as an effective function.

The foundations present the indicators of the two factors that make up the foundations. ‘Supports people management’ at its basic is also the ancestor to HR being able to facilitate people management.

The foundations

  1. Gets the fundamentals right Supports people management

 Delivers excellent services via high speed, low cost processes over the long term, not just the short term

 Standardizes policies, systems & processes where the advantages of unity be more important than any resulting inflexibilities.

 Earns credibility by delivering excellent administrative support & processes for employee personnel transactions & contractual arrangements

 Implements automated or outsourced processes where real benefits to HR and its customers can be demonstrated against the investment needed

  1. Supports people management

 Manages risk to ensure organization is legally compliant yet meets organizational needs

 Advises managers on difficult absence, employee relations, capability or performance issues, balancing local with organizational needs

 Equips managers to implement staffing & development processes that draw upon good practice

 Ensures the right people with the right skills are recruited for the accurate jobs in time

The need to be strategic has somewhat marginalized the condition of slick and efficient transactional processes for common activities such as staffing, training and compensate. However, getting these rights frees up the time and energy of individuals and their line managers which can then focus on making the right decisions not to chase HR for routine information.

The building blocks: HR unique selling proposition

At this centre of this model dwell two factors that enable HR to affix value to the organization. They are about achieving preferred results for the business and having a convincing employee scheme. While a compelling employee proposition could be subsumed under facilitating people management, company highlights it as a factor of world‐class HR since attracting and retaining talent is key to world‐class services delivery.

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  1. Achieves desired results for the business

 provides a fit for purpose infrastructure (policies and processes) to support organizational performance personalized to local as well as organizational needs

 develops a workforce strategy to meet organizational needs for skills now and in the future

 Implements people-centric change programmes to create value through people for the organization

 HR function has a clear purpose, structures itself in the most effective way and regularly communicates what it does

 has highly expert & visible professionals with clearly defined roles & invests in its own staff development

  1. Has ...

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