In an ever changing working environment, the only way to succeed in leadership is to adopt a contingency based approach and adopt a participative style - Discuss the above statement with reference to appropriate theory and practice.

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In an ever changing working environment, the only way to succeed in leadership is to adopt a contingency based approach and adopt a participative style. Discuss the above statement with reference to appropriate theory and practice.


  • Set the scene and arouse interest
  • Enlarge on title so topic and scope are clear
  • Objectives of writing essay
  • Outline approach to be taken
  • Key points

Conclusion – needs specific perspective.


The primary objective of this essay is to identify my understanding of how choosing the appropriate approach to leadership can aid the achievement of an organisation’s goals. Reference regarding the impact of an evolving working environment is to be made. Further comment is to be made regarding critical discussion of the major theories and theorists, including any conclusions that can be drawn from the investigation. Specific empirical evidence in the form of case studies will be discussed to help highlight how this issue has been previously addressed. The approach I have adopted is that of researching any available documentation on the subject, be it in the form of textbook, paper or electronic newspaper. This will hopefully provide the framework for a broad assessment.


Through leaders, nations have through history risen and fell and they have provided the impetus for some of the most fundamental changes in  history. It would be difficult to imagine the Roman Empire without leaders such as Julius Caesar, or the Mongols along with their brutal regime without Ghengis Khan. Having the ability to lead within organisations is of a growing interest to businesses. Desire to explore this field has resulted from the need to lead companies throughout periods of change, brought by the increase in competition and the recessionary climate in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s.


The Oxford dictionary defines to lead as  Conduct, guide, esp. by going in front; guide by persuasion; guide actions or opinions of, induce to do. (Oxford Illustrated Dictionary, 1983). 

Interest in organisational leadership was thought to be first stimulated by the human relations movement in industrial sociology after WWII in the Hawthorne studies. Charles Handy has written much on the field of leadership and felt that the search for the definitive solution to the leadership problem has proved to be another endless quest for the Holy Grail in organisation theory"(Handy,1993).

 However, I feel that leadership is a relationship through which one person tries to influence the behaviour or actions of others in a reciprocal nature.

        To lead is often thought of as to inspire, influence and motivate. "Effective leaders inspire others to persue excellence, to extend themselves, and to go beyond the perfunctory job requirements by generating creative ideas"(Cherington, 1989). 

Leadership might be based on personality, or a behavioural quality. Leadership is a dynamic process, whereby both leader and subordinate have some influence over each other's behaviour. Good management leadership practices should incorporate the development of teamwork and the integration of individual and group goals. This can be an aid to intrinsic motivation, through better group synergy, through coaching, support and empowerment.

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                        Paradoxically to this positive outlook, leadership can be viewed as an elitist, hierarchical and dictatorial – even crushing – as with tyrannical  leaders as Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin. The term leadership often implies the imperialist concept of rising above. However, leadership is necessary to bind groups and to be a voice. It can be said that corporate management is generally more passive and unemotionally attached than dispassionate leaders. Managers often see themselves as conservors of resources and regulators of operating procedures. Differences between management and leadership are highlighted by Watson and the 7 - S framework WHAT IS THIS???, ...

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