In this essay the evolution of management over time and how Google have tailor made their methods of management will be discussed and analyzed

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Utilizing an example of an organization that you have researched, discuss what has influenced the management style within the organization.

Demonstrate your understanding of the evolution of management thinking and critically analyze how his applies to contemporary organizations.

Google. The most visited website is the world. Google is known to have adopted their unique methods of innovation and management structure. Innovation is a key element at Google; evidently innovation and the way that they manage is what sets Google miles ahead its competition. Recently Google has been praised for how the composure of the whole company is managed so minimally yet effectively. In this essay the evolution of management over time and how Google have tailor made their methods of management will be discussed and analyzed to discover why their management technique is so effective.

Management can be tracked all the way back in the late 1880’s. Management is ‘the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational theories’ (Daft, Kendrick, Vershinina, 2008, page 843). The first management perspective formally known as the classical perspective was where all organizations were scientifically managed making the organizations efficient operating machines. Workers were retooled to continuously work as if they were a machine and bureaucracy took to stage. The stamp down of authority had hit home hard, where employees, managers and owners were easily identifiable. Everything had adopted a more systematic approach where hierarchies were introduced and distinct definitions of authority and responsibility were introduced. This kind of management was usually enforced in large, specific industries such as car factories were specific goods had be to produced in its own specific process. Over time it seemed that employees were feeling worked out and worthless. These employees were not seen as individuals but were seen as groups of people, there was no acknowledgement of variance. The social aspect of the employees was not taken into account; make them feel that they are invaluable. Their ideas and suggestions were not taken into account and listened to; they were used for their willingness to work. As times moved on the term bureaucratic had adopted a negative meaning especially in today’s organizations where it is linked to vast number of rules and red tape, being a very top down approach.

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As time had moved on, the management style was forced into a change in order to keep up with the moving times. Though the classical perspective had a massive positive impact on many countries economies; in the late 1920’s there had been an alternative management perspective which had been adopted due to the change of attitudes. Humanistic perspective came into force and was made popular due to its attractive nature. ‘Humanistic perspective is known to emphasize the understanding of human behavior, needs, and attitudes in the work place’(Daft, Kendrick, Vershinina, 2008, page 49) This management style was more employees friendly ...

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