Instructor Conflict Management Style, Instructor Immediacy, and Student Motivation: Exploring the relationships.

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Instructor Conflict Management Style, Instructor Immediacy, and Student Motivation: Exploring the relationships

Lin Marklin

Western Michigan University

Communication 673

8 March 2003


This study looked at three potential relationships: 1) student motivation and perceived instructor immediacy behaviors, 2) student motivation and perceived instructor conflict management style, and 3) perceived instructor conflict management style and perceived instructor immediacy behaviors. With regard to the first relationship, non-confrontation and control were negatively related to perceived instructor immediacy while solution-orientation was positively related to perceived instructor immediacy. For the second relationship, both non-confrontation and control were negatively related to student motivation while solution-orientation was positively related to student motivation. With the third relationship, perceived instructor immediacy was positively related to student motivation. Instructor gender was found to have no influence on perceived instructor conflict management style. To truly understand the nature of the aforementioned relationships, further research is needed into the potential moderating influences and interaction effects between the independent variables


Educators are always looking for ways to increase student motivation, and both instructor immediacy behaviors and instructor conflict management styles could have an impact on student motivation. Researchers who focus on the educational sphere are interested in what students learn, how students learn, and what motivates students (Gorham, 1988; Keller, 1983; Plax, Kearney, McCroskey, & Richmond, 1986; Richmond, Gorham, & McCroskey, 1987; Rodriguez, Plax, & Kearney, 1996). Communication research investigating student motivation within post-secondary educational settings has been extensive, and the college classroom is a natural setting for studying how students develop enlightened self-interest and become self-actuated learners (Frymier, Shulman, & Houser, 1996). The fostering of student motivation is important in higher education because the impetus for learning shifts to the students. There is a need to investigate the role of instructor in developing environments where "students feel intrinsically motivated to learn" (Frymier, et al., pg. 181). Two instructor behaviors that may impact this motivational setting are instructor immediacy and instructor conflict management style. The link between instructor immediacy and student motivation is well established (Brophy, 1987; Keller, 1983; Wlodkowksi, 1978), but research into the relationship between instructor conflict management style and student motivation is lacking. In addition, there is a need to understanding the relationship, if any, between instructor conflict management style and instructor immediacy,

In this study, I chose to build from the ideas of Wheeless and Reichel (1990) because their study addressed my interest in supervisor conflict management style and subordinate willingness work with and for supervisors (task attraction). I initially wanted to apply the study's principles within an educational setting as opposed to the business setting studied by Wheeless and Reichel. Upon correspondence with Dr. Wheeless (see Appendix A), I found that one of his key scales was a proprietary scale owned by a company no longer in business. This revelation helped me understand why two weeks of searching the literature had not uncovered the scale, and it also helped change the focus of this study. Given that a close replication was now impossible, I took Wheeless and Reichel's idea of studying supervisor conflict management style and task attraction, and I transformed it into studying instructor conflict management style and student motivation. I further transformed Wheeless and Reichel's focus on comparing supervisor conflict management style with supervisor general communication style as measured by the 1978 proprietary Lashbrook, Lashbrook, & Buchholz's Social Style scale (cited in Wheeless & Reichel) into focus on comparing instructor conflict management style with instructor immediacy, an important measure of instructor communication style (Christophel, 1990). The goal of this quasi-replication of Wheeless and Reichel is to provide insight into the potential relationships between student motivation, instructor conflict management style, and instructor immediacy behaviors.

Literature Review

There are several relevant variables and concepts that need to be defined. In the following literature review, non-verbal and verbal instructor immediacy, conflict management styles, and student motivation will be defined, and existing research will be reviewed as the case is made for the importance of studying these three variables together.

Perceived Instructor Immediacy

Because the students reported on the immediacy behaviors of the instructor, this variable is labeled perceived instructor immediacy. Immediacy can be described as psychological and physical closeness to another human (Gorham, 1988). Immediacy has been much studied in the classroom (Frymier & Thompson, 1992; Gorham; Keller, 1983; Richmond, 1990; Rodriquez et al., 1996), and traditionally, immediacy has two components, non verbal and verbal (Christophel, 1990; Frymier, 1994). Non-verbal immediacy behaviors have been categorized into items such at smiles, eye contact, communicating at short distances, body positions that are forward leaning and/or relaxed, positive gestures, touch, and variety in vocalizations (Christophel; Kearney, Plax, Smith, & Sorenson, 1988). Verbal immediacy would include self-disclosure, use of "we," calling on students by name, and humor (Gorham; Kearney et al.).

Instructor immediacy behaviors impact a wide variety of student behaviors. Research has shown that instructor immediacy behaviors impact student time on task (Kearney et al., 1988), instructor credibility (Frymier & Thompson, 1992), and instructor effectiveness (Frymier & Thompson; Gorham, 1988). It is also clear that instructor immediacy behaviors positively correlate with student learning (Gorham; Gorham & Zakahi, 1990; Plax et al., 1986; Richmond et al., 1987; Rodriguez et al., 1996) and with student motivation (Brophy, 1987; Gorham & Millette, 1997; Keller, 1983; Wlodkowsi, 1978). What is unclear is the relationship between instructor immediacy and instructor conflict management style and what impact this relationship, if any, has on student motivation.

Perceived conflict management styles

Students will report on the conflict management styles of the instructor, so this variable is labeled perceived conflict management style. Conflict management styles are often broken into five distinct categories: Contending (pursuing own outcomes strongly and showing little concern for the other party's outcomes), Yielding (showing little concern whether the individual attains his/her own outcomes yet quite interested in the other party's outcomes), Inaction (showing little interest in either outcome), Problem Solving (showing high concern for both outcomes), and Compromising (showing moderate concern for both outcomes) (Lewicki, Barry, Saunders, & Minton, 2002; Richmond & McCroskey, 1979) (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Five Styles of Conflict Management (Lewicki et al., 2002)

Yielding Problem Solving



others' Compromising


Inaction Contending

Concern about own outcomes

However, when Putnam and Wilson (1982) developed the Organizational Communication Conflict Inventory (OCCI) they focused on the disagreement phase of conflict. Based on this focus, Putnam and Wilson proposed three conflict management categories: Non-confrontation (indirect approach to conflict management characterized by smoothing and avoidance), Solution-orientation (open and direct discussion of alternatives with compromise as a viable option), and Control (direct confrontation resulting in nonverbal forcing and relentless argument). These three styles could be put on the same continuum. (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Three Styles of Conflict Management

Non-confrontation Solution-orientation



others' Solution-orientation


Non-confrontation Control

Concern about own outcomes

The three conflict management styles defined by Putnam and Wilson were used by Wheeless and Reichel (1990), and they will be used in this study as well.

Wheeless and Reichel (1990) found a relationship between supervisor conflict management styles and supervisor social style, and it seems logical that there could be a similar relationship operating in the classroom, with immediacy replacing social style. What is not clear is if such a relationship between instructor conflict management style and instructor immediacy behaviors does exist. Wheeless and Reichel also found a relationship between supervisor conflict management style and task attraction, and Richmond and McCroskey (1979) found a relationship between supervisor conflict management style and employee satisfaction. Thus, it seems probable that a parallel type of relationship exists in the classroom, with student motivation replacing task attraction/employee satisfaction. However, currently there is no clarity on this potential relationship between instructor conflict management style and student motivation. Research is needed to clarify the potential relationships between instructor conflict management style, instructor immediacy, and student motivation.

Student Motivation

Motivation can be defined as a process that involves student energy, student volition, student purpose/direction, and student involvement (Wlodkowski, 1978). The literature further dichotomizes the term into state motivation and trait motivation (Christensen & Menzel, 1998; Christophel, 1990). State motivation is the motivation that a instructor can most easily influence (Christophel). State motivation is highly situational and can be viewed in terms of the student's attitude toward a particular course (Christensen & Menzel; Frymeir, 1993). Trait motivation is internal, stable, and enduring motivation (Christophel). It is an intrinsic trait students possess with regard to their predisposition toward learning, and as such, it is not much impacted by situational variables (Christensen & Menzel; Frymeir). This study will focus on state motivation because it is the type that is most easily influenced by instructor behavior (Christophel).

There is research indicating that student motivation can be correlated with instructor immediacy (Brophy, 1983; Christophel & Gorham, 1995; Gorham & Millette, 1997; Richmond, 1990). There is further evidence of a direct relationship between state motivation and instructor immediacy behaviors (Christensen & Menzel, 1998; Christophel, 1990). If a relationship is found between immediacy and conflict management style, then there could also be a relationship between conflict management style and student motivation. Research is needed to determine the relationship, if any, between instructor conflict management style and student motivation.
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Purposes and Objectives

This study seeks to quasi-replicate the study done by Wheeless and Reichel (1990). Previous research has not investigated two potential relationships: between instructor immediacy behaviors and instructor conflict management style and between instructor conflict management style and student motivation. This study will also investigate the previously researched relationship between instructor immediacy and student motivation.

Hypothesis and Research Questions

Wheeless & Reichel (1990) examined the relationship between supervisor conflict management style and supervisor social style, and this study postulates that a similar relationship will be found between perceived instructor conflict management style and ...

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