"Keynesian policies are incompatible with price stability" "Monetarist's policies are incompatible with full employment". Discuss the validity of these two statements.

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"Keynesian policies are incompatible with price stability" "Monetarist's policies are incompatible with full employment". Discuss the validity of these two statements

Every school of thought is like a man who has talked to himself for a hundred years and is delighted with his own mind, however stupid it may be.

(J.W. Goethe, 1817, Principles of Natural Science)

Keynesian policies are incompatible with price stability. How?

* Markets need help to clear

o The economy can be at equilibrium at many different times, not just at full employment

* When inflation increases, tighter monetary policy may be used to cool it off, which will weaken AD? Is this contrary to Keynesian belief?

* Keynesian economics is a theory of total spending [AD] in the economy and its effects on output and employment

o AD is influenced by public & private economic decisions, which are determined by political outcomes/economic objectives or consumer/producer expectations

o Some Keynesians believe in debt neutrality, which contrarily purports that consumers use rational expectations and will assume low taxes as a long-run liability and save accordingly.

* Believe AD has its greatest impact in the short run on output and employment, not on prices

o Phillips curve

* Demand side policies alone cannot succeed completely

* There will always be unwanted inflation and unemployment

o Inflation changes slowly when unemployment changes

* In the long run we are all dead therefore what matters now is the short run

o The principle of cumulative causation (an initial event can cause an ultimate effect that is much larger)

o Multiplier effect: an initial increase in aggregate demand of £xm leads to an eventual rise in national income that is greater than £xm

* Wages and prices are sticky, a major sticky point between monetarists and Keynesians

o Respond slowly to changes in supply and demand, this can result in inefficient markets i.e shortages and surpluses, especially labour
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o Spending, consumption, investment, or government expenditures cause output to fluctuate.

* The natural rate of employment is not necessary the "ideal"

o In the past Keynesian policies have advocated using price stabilization as means of affecting the business cycle

o Market Information can be imperfect - time lags between policy and implementation restrict the success of fine-tuning

o Majority of labour in fixed-priced contracts not inflation adjusted

* In general Keynesians believe in combating unemployment rather than conquering inflation.

o Macroeconomic fluctuations reduce economic well being, government knowledgeable to intervene in ...

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