
The changes of the work environment are rapid and constant. Our times call for managers to be leaders. They should inspire a vision to the organizations culture. They should know how to motivate and be trusted by their employees.

Throughout this assignment one may actually notice that being a good leader does not necessarily mean that he is a good manager. Whereas a good manager is able to sustain and develop a successful organization a good leader is not able to manage. On the other hand a good leader is able to influence and motivate and provide employees with a vision whereas the manager relies on details, facts and the well being of the entity of the organization.

Moreover leadership is an art that can be developed and practiced over the years of work-experience. Management is a science. It has rules that guide you all the way through difficult situations. From the starting point up to the finish line.

Today's competitive environment calls for both. A vision as well as details. A "dream" as well as actual results

Unit I

Leadership and Management


In an attempt to summarize all the various definitions about leadership we can say that "Leadership in business is the term used to describe the process through which a manager or a member of a work group can influence the actions, the beliefs and the performance of people, individually or collectively, in order to effectively achieve the organizational goals."

Throughout the years there has been a constant development of approaches on the matter, in order for the organizations to better understand the role of the leader within the workplace; and in an effort to configure the extend to which a leader can influence the performance of a workgroup.

Three of them are consider being the most important:

Trait Spotting:

According to this, there are several basic common characteristics of the leader's nature and personality, which identify him from the rest of the group. According to Roberts Wess these traits are: loyalty, courage, desire, emotional stamina, physical stamina, empathy, decisiveness, anticipation, timing, competitiveness, self-confidence, accountability, responsibility, credibility, tenacity, dependability and stewardship. (1989,pp17-21)

Style Counselling: which is an effort to examine several different styles of leadership, according to their concern for people or production, and basically argues that a "considerate, participative, democratic and involving leadership style is more effective that an impersonal, autocratic and directive style" (A.Huczynski & D.Buchanan, 2001, p715)

Context Fitting or Contingency Theory:

According to this approach in order for a leader to succeed, he must adjust his managerial behaviour so as to comply with the internal and external business environment. This approach actually declines the importance of style counselling and personality traits.

A very interesting approach on leadership, which was published in the Leadership and Organization Development Journal by John Nicholls (1994, p 8-15) identifies 3 aspects of leadership: The Inspirational (heart), The Strategic (head) and The Supervisory (hand)

The Inspirational Leadership (heart)

This aspect of leadership states that according to the situation there's a chance for anyone who holds "strong, clear, ideas and determination to become a leader" (J.Nicholls,1994,p11). It is mainly based on the ability of the inspiring leader to approach people's heart and mind.

The Strategic Leadership (head)

This aspect of leadership mainly focuses on creating an effective and profitable organization. The author identifies "path finding" and "culture-building" as the principle component of strategic leadership "Through path-finding, the leader relates the organization to the business environment. At the same time, through culture-building people are being drawn into membership of the organization. The organizational leadership role is to determine where the organization is going and what sort of organization it wants to be" (J.Nicholls,1994, p11)
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The Supervisory Leadership (hands)

This aspect of leadership states that the manager must instinctively adjust his managerial style according to the capabilities of his subordinates and the demands of the specific job. He suggests that, the leadership style must be adjusted to "the level and proportion of activity in the task and reshaping of relationships (J.Nicholls,1994,p12)

It is J.Nicchols opinion that Strategic and Supervisory Leadership are the managerial aspects of leadership that are inherent in any managers' nominal position and those who fail to recognise their importance are nothing more than ordinary administrators



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