Chapter III

Managing the International Brand

1. Brand Planning

2. Levels of Branding Decision and Branding Strategies
3. Brand Consolidation

     3.1. Brand Planning
Corporate Strategy and Brands

Strong brands are already central to the survival of some companies and are becoming so for others – whether they realize it or not. Branding must be at the center of the board’s corporate strategy. Observation suggests that this is true  for only a few companies, not many of them seeing branding as a board- level concern. There are still too many short- sighted decisions being made that weaken brands.

The top management must agree :

  • The branding model they are using
  • The brand architecture for the company
  • The definition of brand essence for each brand

The model must be defined and communicated throughout the company as a basic standard, otherwise there is no chance of widespread common understanding

The architecture is the framework in which each brand fits.

Decisions at corporate level include:

Company brand: the role of the company in the branding process. The most large firms have a corporate identity , with associated design of logo and house styles

Umbrella and pillar brands: for companies operating on a global or regional scale and having many brands, these structures make good sense. If promoting individual brands the success may appear later on and companies will find it very hard to support these kind of brands.

Global, regional, international and local brands: the board must decide which brands can succeed at global level, as only the board can guarantee the support and commitment that this requires.

After stating clearly these directions, the board must be sure that they are communicated to the whole organization. Every staff member whose work makes any contribution to the delivery of the brand must understand the message from the board as good as possible.

Planning a brand involves first of all  a market analysis and then a brand analysis of the future or the already existing brand.

Market Analysis

                                                                    Brand Planning

Brand Analysis    

Figure 1 The structure of brand planning

a. The Market Analysis

Market Definition

This is the first phase of the brand planning process. In brand planning the manager needs to look at everything from the consumer’s point of view, including the definition of the market. One way of defining the market is by asking consumers to state, for each brand bought, what they used it for and when.

The other aspect to consider is the brand’s served market. The measurement of brand share and the identification of competitors are both affected by the definition . The served market may be wider than the initial market as well as narrower. Honda has achieved world domination in small combustion engines by defining its market as all applications using such motors- from lawnmowers to generators. The brand strength can carry across these various applications. Morgan , on the other hand, is not competing in the whole car market.

Buyers and users

The marketing management needs to know everything they can about their customers. Basic questions such as: who, what, why, when and where?

The focus should be on the product in use; too much brand research concentrates on attributes that are important to the manufacturer, but not necessarily to the user of the product or service. A profound understanding of  how people use the brand, where it fits into their lives, what problems are they using it to solve and what other products or services is related to, is crucial to brand planning. Such understanding may be based at least  partly on qualitative data, and should always be founded on personal experience. Even the most senior managers ought to be exposed  to real consumers regularly.


What segments exist, if any? In mature or maturing markets, a sensitive grasp of the segments that either exist already or can  be  created is fundamental to successful branding. More difficult-but more important- is to foresee how the segmentation will develop over the years, and what new segments may be emerging. The ability to spot the growth of a segment is  very important. Renault saw the emergence of a niche for a new sort of family car, partly influenced by new laws across several countries on child safety- Renault Espace lead for a long time its segment in Europe.


Marketers today need both a focus on the consumers, but on competitors, too. Predicting the future moves of your competitor  is vital, as is identifying possible new competitors; in the increasingly business international world, new competitors are certainly intending to enter many markets. An important Western player will always be preoccupied to  know what the Japanese, the Koreans or the Chinese are planning.

After analyzing the market  outputs of the analysis should be emphasized in order to begin a draft for planning the brand. The outputs are both qualitative and quantitative- market  size, trend, competition and a deep understanding of buyers and users.

b .Brand Analysis

In the case of a new brand or for a reappraisal  of an existing one, this process must involve market research as well as internal discussion.

Quantitative research can measure certain aspects of a brand and in some cases even all the aspects regarding the brand.

On the other hand, market research can be over-used. Another perspective point shows that relying on consumer research means reacting quite modestly, this process not assuming necessarily  leading the market. In the market research area, all the competitors use the same methods and come up with the same results. The danger is that they design all similar brands. Creativity and innovation will produce  the real difference between brands.

The purpose of the research at this stage is introducing a “reality check” to see how consumers respond to a concept, or how they really view an existing brand as opposed to how the producer would like the consumers to see the brand.


From its popularization in 1970’s, positioning has been an influential idea in branding. Many companies use a “positioning statement” in their brand planning. The concept refers to placing a brand in the mind of the consumer by the company, relative to competitor brands, in a way that points out key differences. O course it is preferable that the brand has an important position on the international market. Volvo has always positioned itself as the car that is above all, safe; BMW is the car not only with status, but also sporting characteristics.

The Brand Planning

The brand plan should bring together all the elements emphasized in a brand analysis and in the market analysis into a coherent, focused whole.

The main question should imply the mix of products, their right flavors, their right size in according with the needs of the target market. The demands of operational efficiency, the channel of distribution considerations and competition must be planned carefully and be very balanced.


The goal is to find a name that expresses the brand essence and is memorable and represents an advantage for the product. A further challenge is to find a name that is narrow enough to be meaningful without limiting later extension.


For some brands the package is a crucial part of a brand’s identity. Apart from the well known Coca-Cola and Marlboro, there are Perrier, Lynx, Heinz and many others, whose design gives instant recognition. In services, the coherence imposed by American Express on its diverse output it is highly appreciated.


Inside the brand planning process, pricing is a strategic decision. It is a signal to the market of the quality and value of the brand and as such it cannot be changed easily. Procter and Gamble have adopted a strategy of “everyday low price” to their customers , cutting out expensive promotions that can disrupt  production flows and confuse consumers. This initiative, like many others will certainly be copied by many others. International pricing is also an issue, although many brand plans will  be confined to a single market. When the brand is sold in many markets, its price in each country should reflect the overall pricing strategy, but be adapted to its local positioning. This provides opportunities to make higher margins in some countries, where competition is less stiff or the general price level is higher. Variations in the retail price of cars in Europe have received  considerable publicity, with Britain always seeming to be the most expensive-it is said to be known as “Treasure Island” among car manufacturers. Sensible brand owners will try to balance the desire  to increase  margins with the need to offer their consumers value for money. A too great discrepancy in pricing will only encourage parallel importers to source the brand from cheap countries to supply high-price markets. This causes problems with distributors in the target country  and the situation may be also complicated by national or supranational laws or regulations as in the case of pharmaceuticals. Such situations can be dealt with only by offering individual solutions in accordance  with each specific situation.

Advertising and Promotion

Solid advertising support is essential for successful brands, as many examples have shown. Even retailers may have to use advertising in order to change consumers’ perceptions or reposition themselves.

Promotion needs to be integrated into the total brand strategy. If it is well used it can introduce excitement and keep the brand in the news, otherwise it can ruin the brand’s image.


The brand plan should explicitly state what competitive actions and reactions are expected and what the firm will do about them. Many plan omit this and managers sometimes seem surprised by competitors reactions. They must be thought about and carefully planned in advance.

Control and Evaluation

The last phase of the brand planning should contain control measures so that timely the feedback received after implementing certain measures will signal if results are the expected ones. The control measures should reflect the objectives the plan aims to achieve, such as sales , market share, new brand launches , increase in brand preference scores or level customer approval ratings to be achieved. These must be easily measured , and the costs of doing so built into the budget.Brands need a planning process, not necessarily a very complex one, as long as it covers the main directions of the brand and it coordinates the main processes that sustain its evolution on local and international markets.

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       3.2.Branding Levels and Branding Strategies

There are four levels of branding decisions: (1)branding versus no brand strategy; (2)private brand versus manufacturer’s brand ; (3) single brand versus multiple brands and (4) global brands versus local brands. The next figure shows an outline of the decision-making process in  branding.

                            Generic (brandless) product


Branding Decisions                          Private Label


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