Mexico Constitutional reforms for criminal justice

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Mexico Constitutional reforms        


Mexico Constitutional reforms for criminal justice

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Mexico Constitutional reforms for criminal justice


After suffering authoritarian regimes and blood-shedding military dictatorships in many of which human rights were seriously violated. This democratic recovery took place in a context of misery, social distress, high infant mortality, low educational levels, closed and predominantly agricultural economies, low industrial development and important external debt. The strong feeling of being facing a “re-founding” process raised debates about new institutional arrangements which were afterwards applied to procuring “better administrations” to reach optimization. The main concerns were to achieve stable governments, to consolidate the basic premises of a democratic regime and to try to achieve greater efficiency in public officials’ performance.

Needless to say, constitutional modifications differed according to the country. I will try to roughly point out some concerns common to these reforms and discuss and compare how Mexico’s judicial system used to be before the changes with the new changes. I will then try to show the different ideals underlying those constitutional reforms, and finally draw some conclusions that will be necessarily provisional in a complex and changing context.

Hypothesis Statement

“The old Mexican Justice system relied more on confessions than any other form of evidence and was not efficient as the new amendments made to the old system.”


Design and Definition

The research is based on secondary data collection. The data is extracted from various journals, articles and books. In secondary research data is extracted from various journals, books and articles. Qualitative research is applied for proposed study. Qualitative research is more subjective as compared to quantitative research and uses very different methods of collecting information which could be both primary and secondary. As already mentioned this study will choose the secondary method. The theme of this type of research is investigative along with open-ended. This type of research is often less expensive than outlines and is extremely effective by acquiring information. It is often the method of choice in the examples where quantitative measurement is not required.

Literature Search

The criteria of selection for the literature are relevance to the research topic and the year of publication. Both public and private libraries as well as online libraries are visited to access the data. Some of the online databases that are accessed are ebsco, questia, emerald, and phoenix and so on.


Some of the keywords that are used to conduct the search are: Mexico, Judicial, System, New Reforms, Confession and so on.

Data and Research

Mexico’s Criminal Justice Constitutional reforms

The judiciary in Mexico has been traditionally related to the executive power and has worked for decades alongside military dictators or authoritarian governments. Also, judicial officials have come from the most conservative segments in the society and their decisions have tended to keep the status quo (Allen 1996).

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 Therefore, the main constitutional concerns have been to assure judges greater independence and to obtain more legitimacy for the most delicate task they perform: the control of the acts of the majority. To this end, ways to appoint them were established to guarantee their autonomy. On the other hand, the expansion of matters of rights necessarily determines the importance of judges, as they are bound to ensure their enforcement. In general, and in spite of multiple variants, the changes introduced follow two directions. As regards the appointment of judges, to deprive the executive or the legislative branches of their power to ...

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