My Learning Experience. The Kolb Model was originally formulated by David A Kolb, the Kolb Model premises that real learning occurs where theory and experience intersect.

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Introduction Kolb Model

Kolb Model was originally formulated by David A Kolb, a Harvard graduate and Ohio Professor of Organization Behavior, the Kolb Model premises that real learning occurs where theory and experience intersect. It is the process in which we attend to and understand our experiences, and consequently modify our behaviors. The Kolb Learning Cycle is based on the concept that the more we reflects on a task or a problem, the more often the we have the opportunity to modify and refine our efforts concerning the task or problem.

Kolb's learning cycle stage begins with a concrete experience, which leads to reflective observation about the experience. Abstract conceptualization follows in which models, paradigms, strategies, and metaphors are applied to the results of the experience.  Active experimentation concludes the cycle as the concepts are then put into practice, thus generating new concrete experience.

In the Kolb Learning Cycle these four stages are considered the basic steps we takes in order to learn something. Additionally, these four steps form a cycle that goes on repeating the same steps as we increase our knowledge. The timing of the learning cycle is as equally as important as the stages are in the learning cycle. In general, the learning cycle should be applied during initial framing of a problem or a task to see whether past experience may offer an approach for improvement. In logic, this allows for even small and incremental improvements each time a task is performed or a problem is solved.
The following page will focus on my personal experiences as a member of the Organisational Behaviour and Change during first six week of semester based on the four learning stages.

Stage 1 - Concrete Experience

For my first six week, my first four week during tutorial session is the most intense. During my first week of the class, I was late about fifteen minute, therefore my other classmate has already start performing the task given by the tutor. The first task given requires at least six students in each group to perform, so I simply blend in to any of these groups. At first I simply listen to my members’ suggestion and observed them while performing. Because I was late I was confused on what is going on and what to do, so I simply watched and listened, not intending to do make a fool of myself.

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The second week, each students have been assigned to a group presentation for upcoming session with four other students. I got a group of my own, with students whom I never met before. We simply introduced ourselves and exchanged telephone numbers. The level of team’s cohesion seemed to be low at the moment, mainly because only few words were exchange between us during first meeting. However I am hopeful that it will improve in the upcoming week, because most of them are very nice people that I could get along with during our first official meeting.

The third week ...

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