
When each woman chooses her own style there is always a question of which bag to choose. After the era of small rucksacks almost each one of them has one somewhere at home, and even though it seems that the rucksack is still in good shape and can be used, yet the change in fashion happens quicker then the wearing out of a bag. Gucci, Prada and Versace usually determine the style of bags every season and a lot of influence. Even though the products are extremely expensive, they are still very popular.


The main characteristics of an oligopoly are; a few number of firms which sell similar product, each firm produces branded products, land there are likely to be significant entry barriers into the market in the long run which allows firms to make loads of profits.

An oligopoly is a market dominated by few large suppliers and a large present of the market is taken up by the leading firms. Firms within an oligopoly produce branded products, which makes advertising and marketing a very important part of the competition within such a market.         

As one opens a fashion magazine such as Vogue it is impossible to keep track on the number of bags shown on every single page. Fashion is all about advertising and popularity of one firm or the other. In such a market most of the advertising is done through the name of the brand. Since most of the companies have already won there high position in this market already a long time ago, all they need to do now is keep it up.

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Another very important characteristic of an oligopoly is the interdependence between the firms, which means that each firm has to consider the reaction of other firms when choosing the price of its product. Some economists try to define a market as “Economics is much like a game in which the players anticipate one another's moves.” This interdependence may lead to collisions which are when businesses agree to act as if they were a monopoly.

In an oligopoly there are also a lot of barriers to entry, which are the same as in a monopoly. Main barrier to ...

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