Outline and discuss recent (1999-present) trends in the size of government and the composition of government expenditure in the UK and USA.

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Outline and discuss recent (1999-present) trends in the size of government and the composition of government expenditure in the UK and USA. Present the empirical evidence as clearly as possible, fully identifying your data sources. To what extent has policy converged or diverged between these countries?  What is responsible for these trends? Consider public choice and public interest arguments as well as changes in political/economic ideologies and philosophies.

1.0 Introduction:

Just a momentary look at government expenditure a century ago and government expenditure currently means one cannot help but notice vast differences in size and composition of government expenditure. For instance the USA spent one twelfth of their income through the public sector at this century’s beginning, but now spends over one-third. Many scholars, economists have attempted to answer why this is the case amid many disagreeing on the rationale too. The issue this paper is examining is what economic, political, and social forces caused spending to grow so much, drawing attention to the UK and USA.

2.0 Trends:

2.1 Trends in the size and composition of government expenditure in the UK:

Extract taken from OECD Library.

Government expenditure had increased or at least stayed the same consecutively from 2001 till 2008. Public expenditure on health, social and pension has also augmented every year. Total tax revenue on the other hand has not increased annually although the government deficit is suggesting the government has increasingly been borrowing to finance spending.

2.2 Trends in the size and composition of government expenditure in the USA:

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Extract taken from: OECD Library

The USA shows a similar account, government expenditure had increased or at least stayed the same consecutively from 2001 till 2008. Public expenditure on health, social and pension has also increased every year. Total tax revenue however has not increased annually and the government deficit fell in 2005 and 2006 before substantially increasing in 2007.

3.0 What is responsible for these trends? :

The growth of government has been accompanied by substantial changes in the composition of public spending 'reflecting the changing perceptions of what the state should do’. A hundred ...

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